Sunday 5 November 2017

Importance and Power of God’s Names

Significance of Names

A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold. -Proverbs 22:1

The name

Every time we discuss knowing God through His names. Understanding God by His names is definitely more than merely learning the latest word or uncovering a completely new title He goes by. Studying to know God by His names unveil the entrance to knowing His character more wholly and experiencing His power deeper.

In the Scripture, God clearly shows Himself to us by way of His names. In order to comprehend the importance and power of God’s names, we first need to comprehend the significance of names in the ancient cultures.

Old Testament

In Old Testament times, a name was just nomenclature. Instead, it reviewed information and facts concerning person or thing itself.

A name is indeed important as in the Scripture often states God Himself changing someone’s name to reflect a completely new reality.

And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living. -Genesis 3:20

Abram, meaning “exalted father,” was changed to Abraham, which means “father of a multitude.”

Abraham knowing the importance attached to names, named his first-born child 'Isaac' because Sarah says, "God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me." (Genesis 21:6)

And the first came out red, all over like a hairy garment; and they called his name Esau. -Genesis 25:25

Jacob, whose name meant “grabber of the heel” and “deceitful,” acquired a new name upon wrestling with God. His new name, Israel, means “one who prevails.”

In the book of Hosea, God changed the names of Hosea children (son and daughter) to indicate changes in His relationship with His people.
Lo-ammi (“never my people”) ended up being Ammi (“my people”), and
Lo-ruhamah (“far from pitied”) turned Ruhamah (“one that is shown empathy”) (Hosea 1:6-9 and Hosea 2:1,23).

New Testament

In the New Testament, we come across Jesus telling Simon, His new disciple,
You are Simon the son of John; you shall be called Cephas’ (which can be interpreted as Peter)” (John 1:42). The importance and significance could be that the Greek word translated Peter is Petros, which implies “rock.”

Saul was obviously a brutal persecutor of Christians, and once he became a follower of Jesus himself, a name change seems most ideal. Saul (Hebrew name) also had the Latin name 'Paul' so it appears he used this new name which represents his change, not to mention his mission to the Gentile; 'Paul' being a more knowledgeable name for the Roman Gentile audience.

In Scripture, a name often connotes purpose, authority, makeup, and character. Basically, a person’s name is oftentimes seen as an equal to that person.

When Jesus said, “I have made Your name known to them and will make it known” (John 17:26), He was referencing a lot more than sounds created in a word. In Jesus, God came to earth in the flesh and revealed His heart, mind, will, character, and being through the revelation of His name.

Throughout the Bible “name” appears over 1000 times in Scripture and regularly carries with it the concept of power, responsibility, purpose, and authority. A name not simply conveys the substance and value of what is being named but in addition, when appropriately sanctioned, accesses the quality it speaks of.

God's Names

Due to the degree of God’s character, He has several names that reveal the countless ways He relates to mankind. For instance,

God is known as Elohim when revealing Himself as being the all-powerful Creator.

He is Jehovah Nissi-the Lord’s banner of victory (a name you need to understand when seeking victory in your life).

God is referred to as Jehovah Rapha, or perhaps the Lord your healer.

Whenever you are needing provision, know the name Jehovah Jireh-God, the provider.

God has a name for each and every circumstance we see ourselves. We will have to understand the names of God because once we know His character and His capability, we will find peace and discover harmony and power in His covenantal care of us. SEE Names And Titles of God

What is your name?

Traditionally, many Christian parents name their children with biblical names, most likely as an indication of the spiritual traditions that they hope their kids to grow up. Many Christians nowadays take naming seriously and might have their name legally changed in adulthood denoting a precise occasion of change or perhaps the realization of a new personality.

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