Wednesday, 9 August 2017

God, the author and the perfecter of our faith!

Day 3 (9 Aug 2017, Wednesday)

(Ezekiel 37:7-10)
Ezekiel prophesied to the dry bones immediately after he was instructed by God.  Then something amazing happened.  As he was prophesying, there was a sound, a rattling, a coming together of the bones with fresh sinews and skins on them, and then a human form appeared.  Thereafter, God commanded Ezekiel to prophesy again by summoning breath to come from the four winds, so that the slain may live again.

Ezekiel prophesied twice consecutively, right when the sound was heard and the slain came back to life.  There was a process of change taking place in the restoration of the dry bones.  Unlike the tale of Aladdin’s lamp, the wish to see the dry bones come alive did not take place instantly.

Malaysian churches have been praying for the nation for decades with an expectation of seeing changes take place as a result of our prayers.  Yet what we witness is nothing short of a disappointment and the results are hard to swallow.

Nevertheless, we should not be discouraged.  For there is usually a process of development before the fulfilment of God’s prophecies.  God loves Malaysia and the unreached!  He calls into existence the things that do not exist and He resurrects the dead.
He renews the Church and the believers in Christ!  No one man can deny the fact that God is in control and His Word lasts forever!  Let’s imitate Ezekiel to be a watchman over our nation, to declare the coming of the year of the Lord’s favor, and to witness God’s deeds in our nation until we see the day of “resurrection”.

Pray for the States of Malaysia  :  Perak

Pray for Kamunting, the detention camp for convicts who commit severe security offences (including local IS militants), that the authorities will run it well and that the detainees will experience His grace and mercy during their detention.

Pray for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be heard through culturally-relevant means in the 134 Chinese new villages of Perak, of whom its residents are considered to be one of the least-reached people groups in our nation.

Pray for the marginalised Orang Asli tribes of Semai, Temiar, Jahai, Kintaq and Lanoh in Perak, that there will be good implementation of relevant community development projects by the government to improve their living conditions.

Sources : Necf Malaysia

Download 2017 NECF Malaysia  40Days Fast & Prayer (Prayer Booklet)

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