Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Testimony:There is Light After Darkness

The Prodigal Son Returns

“…always being prepared to make a defence to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you…” 1 Pet 3:15

Hii Tau Su with his Uncle; Clement Hii

Shared by Clement Hii on Facebook

Most large families have their misfits. We weren't particularly proud of the "career" of one of my nephews, Hii Tau Su. He was not only a well-known thug in Sibu but was also a heavy substance abuser. "Ah Soo," as he is widely known, had alienated his entire family, and once beat up his own dad. But 2 years ago, he went into rehabilitation for a few months and came out a changed man.

His turning over a new leaf is nothing short of a miracle. He became a born-again Christian and is now a full-time church worker in Miri. He tells his story at sermons, does charity and social work.

He has apologised publicly to his family, friends and foes for his past misdeeds - I told him when we recently met not to let his close ones down again. For people working on new beginnings, they should harness the phenomenal power of the people who've never given up on them.

Your Testimony - God’s Story in You

You have a story and if your story is God’s story in you, then that story is a testimony and can be a powerful witness for Jesus Christ. Sharing your story requires thought but no special training. “You are an expert on what happened to you!” And you can share your testimony anywhere with anyone and give them the “reason for the hope that is in you.”

You can share about Jesus Christ through your story - what God has done for you, what He is doing, and how you have experienced his grace and goodness in your life.

Here’s a question for you: Are you Ready to share your faith story with others and how God’s story has transformed your story?  please use the contact us form or send an email via

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