Showing posts with label LEADERSHIP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LEADERSHIP. Show all posts

Sunday 22 October 2017

Business Ethics and Christian Faith

Business Ethics and Christian Challenges

The relationship between Business ethics and Christianity has become a trendy subject in the contemporary context. This consideration must have been as a result of a quest in assessing possible factors capable of influencing business ethics and environment. Many suggest that Christian faith and business ethics are two parallel entities capable of ruining the benefits or true practice of the other. Others insist they are common and wholeheartedly agree with each other.

We can begin by defining the two terms and properly evaluating the intercepting points of Business ethics and Christianity. Before assessing if there’s positive correlation as alleged by many or a full disagreement. Business ethics are measures or principles applied in business for its growth and the best interest/satisfaction of the stakeholders, shareholders, and the business community. Christianity refers to the life of Jesus, the Son of God. Christians are known as the believers of the Son of God who practice the same life like Him.

The Ten Commandments

It can be deduced that business ethics are not explicitly subjecting any businessman or woman into a deviancy from Christianity since it has no specific outlines of contrary activities. However, when business standards are established for only profits, it would be accepted that business ethics may involve cheating, greed, dishonesty, and negligence of trust or others of its kind which are not in concordance with the Christian faith.

Without being bias in Christianity, business ethics include
• Honesty
• Loyalty
• Accountability
• Integrity
• Impartiality
• Trustworthiness
• Respect and concern for others
• Law Abiding
• Commitment to Excellence

The mentioned business ethics above, however, are fully in concordance with the Christian faith. Aside from those mentioned above, there are other business ethics which promote Christian challenges in the corporate world. These challenging ethics are either induced by the business stakeholders, shareholders or business environment. To an extent, some business requires illegal activities before success can be recorded. However, some of this business ethics are fabricated by the operating individuals to enforce business profit regardless of the religious views or Christian ideology to those decisions.

Christian challenges in the corporate world

The corporate world is more centred at profit-making, and being in the position to participate in a business environment can be challenged by many factors. Aside from your personal decisions to ensure stability to your business and to enforce growth, business supervisors can also contribute to these challenges. Not mentioning those from subordinates.

Let’s recall that Business ethics are measures to ensure the business growth. It does not make a necessary account for the legality of the measure. Hence, some of the ethics not promoting Christianity include the following.

Sales of services or products not supported by Christian faith

Some business ethics necessary in making more sales of a product or services may imply an introduction of a complementary product, which is not endorsed by the Christian faith. These complementary products or services sometimes serve as the principal means of selling. While they remain a service Christians cannot support, it leaves them with practising below the required ethics to flourish in such business. Some of these products or services may include the use of prostitutes to promote brothel business.

Contrary demands from business shareholders or Stakeholders

In business ethics, shareholders contribute to every decision carried out to maintain its growth. But profits are usually prioritized as against religious views or positions. Operating as a Christian business manager may become more challenging when the stakeholders demand that some contrary actions are taken to favour the business growth instead of integrity and honesty. A good example of this position may be operating with an expired license for a certain period, delivering an alternative or substandard product in place of the customer’s demand by changing the pack, etc.

Product hoarding to create inflation and exorbitant profit

Another business ethics by most business owners which are highly beneficial especially when they lack competitors is to hoard the products or make it scarce in the area to enforce a new price. This leaves the consumers no choice but to secure the product or services since they would have to travel a considerable distance for anything similar. Hoarding nullifies trust, integrity, honesty, accountability, among others.

Overcoming business ethics not in accordance with Christian faith

The most assuring way to overcome business ethics that are not in concordance with Christian faith is first to accept that they are wrong and not to be practised. This strong disagreement with the wrong ethics gives you an edge to the right position (1 Thessalonians 5:22).

Christian faith and business ethics are not to be treated separately by any Christian. Rather, Christianity should superimpose every business ethics to be adopted (Proverbs 3:6, Matthew 6:33). Irrespective of the profit assured by a contrary business ethics, Christians should understand that business environment and ethics should also serve as a medium of teaching salvation. Christians should not forget that every practice awaits rewards. Hence, only good foundations can stand the test of time.

Read Also Ministry through Business

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Pastoring in the Age of Celebrity

How famous Bible teachers impact local Bible study

More than a decade ago, Thomas Friedman declared The World Is Flat in his bestselling book about how technology has collapsed the barriers between local and global. The American church has also experienced this “flattening,” as trends in media and ministry bring faraway leaders and national organizations into Christians’ everyday routines.

Believers can chat with Tim Keller in one of his Twitter Q&As, Facebook Live with Judah Smith, or play a Rick Warren podcast in their earbuds while they hit the gym. Though teachings from prominent theologians have spread across the church throughout its history, never have they been so immediate or intimate.

Plus, there’s the bigger, 21st-century scope: More Christian leaders are releasing “content” than ever before, giving evangelicals overwhelming opportunities to hear from nationally known figures alongside the leaders of their own congregations. “People are hungry for answers, even from a disconnected authority figure,” said Philip Nation, an author and pastor at First Baptist Church of Bradenton, Florida.

As with most things in the Christian life, the draw to outside teachers is not merely an issue of personal preference-it stems from and impacts involvement in the local body, as well. In some cases, Christians take interest in the kinds of leaders they don’t see in their own churches. As Christianity Today magazine reported last fall in “The Bigger Story Behind Jen Hatmaker,” this phenomenon has surged among women, with famous figures such as Jen Hatmaker and Ann Voskamp fetching mass followings through their popular blogs, books, and conference sessions at events like Catalyst and the IF:Gathering.

“When [local women leaders] are missing, the voices of women with national platforms can become too loud in the ears of younger women, in particular,” said Jen Wilkin, minister at the Village Church in Texas. “National women leaders should be a reference point, but not a replacement for female leadership at the local church level.” Bestselling authors and biblical scholars contribute to Christians’ spiritual development and scriptural savvy, as pastors and churchgoers alike can attest. However, the work of Bible application is-by necessity-personal and incarnational, as well. It’s studying in community that allows Christians to disciple one another to live out gospel truths.

Are You My Pastor?

John Mulholland, associate pastor at Worthington Christian Church in Minnesota, wrote on his blog:
The pastor in your church will never out-preach Francis Chan, John Piper, Matt Chandler, Alistair Begg, Beth Moore, Andy Stanley, or any other pastor that you listen to through podcasting.
As much as I enjoy listening to Matt Chandler, he is not my pastor. I belong to a local body of believers that I am called into to be an active member. The attention around a popular Bible teacher and their work can make any given Bible study or sermon series from a local leader seem lacking in comparison. So Christians have fretted the influence of celebrity pastors.

“When a Christian author writes a book, it takes months or years. The work is unintentionally held up as a standard [that] local pastors must meet,” said Nation, who has written several small-group studies and books on discipleship. “We are trying to deliver biblically sound and soul-stirring messages on a weekly basis while also leading, counseling, and the like. It sets up a pastor to feel completely inadequate as a communicator of eternal truth.”

Jenny Rae Armstrong, teaching pastor at Darrow Road Wesleyan Church in Wisconsin, agreed. At smaller, rural congregations like hers, pastors “have to do everything from hospital visits to organizing music to serving on boards in the local community to making sure someone’s coming to pump out the holding tank.”

“I can’t compete with Bill Hybels or Lysa TerKeurst with a schedule like that,” she said, noting that Baby Boomers in her congregation typically follow some leaders they know from Christian TV, while younger congregants aren’t as interested in Christian celebrities. “Small church pastors are generally more focused on the pastoral aspect of their work than on polishing their presentation skills. The goal for teaching is ‘solid,’ not ‘spectacular.’”

The Best of Both Worlds

But churches can also benefit from exposure to different styles and perspectives on biblical teaching. Christians have always encouraged gifted teachers to use their skills to serve the body as a whole. Back in 2 Corinthians, readers find what might be the first reference to a celebrity pastor, though he remains notably nameless: “With him we are sending the brother who is famous among all the churches for his preaching of the gospel” (8:18, ESV). Bringing in other leaders or referencing their scholarship, whether or not they are famous, can give congregants a more robust understanding than a single preacher could.

“A pastor can’t be expected to address every specific need of every Christian in their congregation through their preaching,” said Trevin Wax, Bible and reference publisher at LifeWay. “Good pastors seize the opportunity to resource their people with likeminded, trusted Christian leaders who may be especially strong in certain areas or speaking on certain subjects.”
For smaller congregations, the proliferation of well-known Bible teachers can be somewhat of a double-edged sword, according to Jeff Breeding, pastor of Midtown Baptist Church in Little Rock, Arkansas.

“On the one hand, it allows church members to take advantage of many more resources than our small church can offer,” said Breeding. For instance, the church does not have a formal counseling ministry, but members can access resources on the topic from teachers such as Paul David Tripp, the author and pastor who teaches on Christian living, parenting, marriage, and suffering. “On the other hand, the prevalence of Bible teachers also seems to have dulled some people’s discernment,” Breeding added. “If a person has a podcast or is featured at a conference, then he or she is assumed to be solid. Sadly, as you know, that’s not the case. Overall this current situation calls for pastors to be much more in-tune with what church members are listening to and reading.”

At Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, pastors preach expository sermons from the Bible, design small-group curricula around those messages, teach the Bible through classes and seminars, and encourage members to read the Bible regularly. The church also opens up to the wisdom of those outside their staff and congregation, featuring authors like Keller and Voskamp.

“Hosting well-known writers for speaking events, quoting them in sermons, and relating to them on social media are other ways to signal to our people and our community who our thought leader friends are,” said lead pastor Scott Sauls. “Having a public friendship with and/or affinity for well-known writers and authors also gives a certain credibility to our church for those who know the work of the authors well, but are still getting to know us.”

Such networking also helps the preachers themselves. Regardless of location, denominational support, or congregation size, they can access the surplus of Bible resources now available-a chance for them to find inspiration and new insights years after seminary is over.

“The proliferation of teachers available through podcasts, books, and conferences also gives the local pastor the opportunity to grow in the skill of preaching,” said Wax. “Yes, it raises the standard of excellence, but at the same time, it offers pastors the possibility of improving their craft as they benefit from prominent pastors they respect.”

Over Influenced?

Taylor Turkington, co-director of Western Seminary’s Verity Fellowship, describes the difficulty in analyzing how Christian women are influenced by the leaders they find online.

“Following someone on social media doesn’t mean they have become your dominant spiritual influence; neither does reading their book,” she wrote. “While it is hard to measure the quantitative impact of many of the online teachers, it’s not hard to find the devotees in our churches.
“Their books become part of Bible study; they are quoted from memory. The women speak of their beliefs as settled on an issue because of what they read in a blog post, and they presuppose others should follow suit.”

On the web, readers can find and follow compelling, gifted teachers without assessing where their theological affiliations or beliefs fall in comparison to their own. And at times, a leader’s popularity, presence on a certain book list, or spot on a speaker lineup might be enough for churches to share or endorse that leader.

Mulholland urged pastors not to let name recognition and amenability substitute for theological examination. He suggested they review all materials used in a leader’s ministries, asking, “Is it biblical? Do we agree with the doctrine being taught? Ask ‘Why this?’ and ‘Why now?’ and ‘How does this fit with the rest of what we are doing?’”

Of course, Christians need not limit their reading to teachers whose positions line up exactly with their own. But discerning readers know how to engage various teachers in relation to their own beliefs and the beliefs of their tradition.

According to Sauls, emerging conflicts can sometimes lead Christians to doubt their own pastors’ teachings or position them to choose which they see as more authoritative: their church or the blog in their browser bookmarks. But rather than continually creating a crisis of faith, exposure to outside teachers is, largely, helpful. It prompts curious, engaged Christians to ask deeper questions and learn more in their church context.

“These sorts of differences almost always lead to fruitful conversations between church leaders and members who are reading conflicting material from this author or that author,” Sauls said. “It also forces us to sharpen the ‘why’ of the things we say we believe.” These conversations are only going to become more common in small groups, Bible studies, and church offices as Christians continue to supplement their spiritual lives-like everything else-with what they find on social media and Google searches.

Michelle Van Loon, a writer on spiritual formation, recalled the warning from Ecclesiastes: “Of making many books there is no end” (12:12). These days, we could add Facebook debates, trending topics, blog controversies, and hashtags to the unending issues vying for our attention. Local church leaders find themselves at the point of convergence, helping to equip their congregations to process teachings from both inside and outside their church and inside and outside their belief system. Put simply: It all comes back to them.

The context keeps shifting, but fortunately the truth does not. Sauls stated:

The role of the local pastor is to affirm that which is true and beautiful according to Scripture, and to challenge that which is not true and beautiful according to Scripture, especially with the flock under said pastor’s spiritual oversight and care. This applies not only to well-known authors, but also to politicians and secular writers and philosophers and such. In every school of thought, there are things to affirm and, perhaps, things to also critique. But the measuring stick for the pastor should always be, “What does Scripture say about this?”

By Kate Shellnuttis online associate editor of Christianity Today. Follow her on Twitter @kateshellnutt.

Tuesday 15 August 2017

Christians in the Marketplace

Reasons Why the Marketplace Is a Great Place for Christians 

If God has called you into business, please don’t wish you were called somewhere else. The marketplace is agreat place for Christians right now. Here’s why:

Almost all non-Christians are in the marketplace. 

Today, less than 20% of Americans attend church regularly. In many European countries, the percentages are much lower. At the current rate, regular church attendance is projected to drop to 11.7% by 2050.

The good news is that these people who aren’t attending church will still be waking up to go to work alongside their Christian co-workers in the marketplace each morning.

Almost all Christians are in the marketplace

At least 85% of the Christian workforce spends 60-70% of their waking hours in the marketplace. In addition to serving our families and our local churches, the marketplace is the primary context in which our spiritual gifts should be used.
The ministry potential for Christians using their spiritual gifts collaboratively in the marketplace is astounding!(In case you don’t know what your spiritual gifts are, my forthcoming book will include a spiritual gifts assessment as well as teaching on how you can use your unique gifts for ministry in the marketplace.)

Discipleship actually can happen in the marketplace

Church leaders often are criticized for the lack of discipleship and spiritual growth among their congregations. Let’s give our pastors a break. How much discipleship actually can happen during a two-hour church service on Sunday?

Discipleship-that is, becoming more like Jesus-happens in everyday life. Yes, discipleship can happen anywhere… even during a two-hour, lecture-style event on Sunday. However, the potential for discipleship and ministry investment in a weekly service is a fraction of what is possible during an entire work-week spent with our co-workers, clients, etc.

The marketplace is a more authentic showroom of Christianity

If you were shopping for a car, you’d probably go to a showroom. Before you bought anything, you’d probably want to see if the car actually functions properly on the road. You might even ask the dealer to allow you to take the car home for a day or two to test it out.

The local church is like the showroom for Christianity. The marketplace is the test drive. The marketplace is where our unbelieving co-workers get to see if they really want what we have. Daily, they see how we react under pressure. They see how we treat people. They see how much God truly matters to us in our daily lives.
As mentioned in “Reason #1,” most people aren’t even coming to the “showroom” anymore, so marketplace Christians are now serving as both the showroom and the test drive of Christianity.

The marketplace forces the Church to use all of its capabilities

Personality-driven and super-pastor Christianity doesn’t work in the marketplace. Having a bunch of Christians sitting on the sidelines of ministry may not prevent a local church from increasing numerically, but it won’t transform the marketplace for the glory of God.

So far, most of the teaching about “marketplace ministry” has been defining marketplace ministry without regard for people’s unique spiritual gifts. For example, if I have an apostolic gift, of course I’m going to view marketplace ministry as a mandate to “ascend and take the Business Mountain for God” (see 7 Mountains ). If I have a pastoral gift (i.e.marketplace chaplains), of course I’m going to view marketplace ministry as a calling to “care for the personal needs of my employees and/or co-workers.”

We need to approach marketplace ministry in a way that leverages the spiritual gifts of all Christians in the marketplace. The “one-size-fits-all” approach only produces self-condemnation and ineffectiveness for marketplace Christians attempting to operate outside of their God-given spiritual gifts.

Denominational divisions are less-destructive in the marketplace 

We can choose whether to attend a Baptist Church, Pentecostal-Charismatic Church, Presbyterian Church, a Non-Denominational Church, etc… but most of us don’t have the luxury of co-working only with Christians with whom we agree theologically. Themarketplace has a way of diluting some of these differences. This opens the door to collaborative ministry beyond the walls of our local churches and traditions.

Everything gets funded from the marketplace

All money comes from value that has been created in the marketplace, and business professionals ultimately decide what (and who) gets funded. These business professionals need to know God and His plan for their lives in order to make righteous decisions concerning money.

Although business is often thought of only as the economic engine of the Church, I hope that we will begin to see and realize its full potential for transforming society for the glory of God.

In addition to these seven reasons, what is another reason why God is mobilizing Christian business professionals for ministry in the marketplace?

Cred; Darren Shearer, The Founder & CEO, High Bridge Books

Monday 31 July 2017

Ways to Be a King in Business

Provide & Protect: Two Ways to Be a King in Business

Not only did God call us to enter His Kingdom, He called us to rule within His Kingdom. The first commandment given to humanity was to “subdue the earth and rule; take dominion” (Gen. 1:28). We are promised that “those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ” (Rom. 5:17).

As a marketplace Christian, you are a king, and a massive part of your domain is your sphere of influence in the marketplace. While our royal authority as children of God transcends the authorities among the kingdoms of the world, it should be revealed through our professional lives in the marketplace.

Let’s explore two of our primary duties as God’s kings in the marketplace.

1: Be a Provider

Kings have authority for the purpose of providing for those within their domains. As kings, what are some practical ways that we can provide for the needs of those in our spheres of influence in the marketplace?

Provide spiritual gifts - Whether your gifts are teaching, discernment, administration, prophecy, or any other, the marketplace needs your spiritual gifts to reflect the glory of God. God’s Word promises that He has made a place for our gifts. It is our responsibility to make those gifts available to those who need them.

Provide economic value - If you are getting paid to do what you do, you most likely have provided an equivalent amount of economic value. In the process, you served at least one person by providing for at least one need.

Provide economic opportunities - Whether you are have hired people or not, the economic value you provide for the marketplace creates opportunities for other people to offer value. When one need is met, new needs emerge. The solution to one problem creates new problems to be solved.

Provide alms for the needy - Do you have co-workers who are hurting financially? If you are a business owner, do you have customers who can’t pay? You may be the only one who knows about the impossible financial situations these people are in. Perhaps God is asking you to show mercy through providing some financial relief for that person.

As God’s appointed king in the marketplace, how do you provide for the people within your sphere of influence?

2: Be a Protector

Kings also are called to protect those within their domains. What are some practical ways that we can protect those in our spheres of influence in the business world?

Protect through making righteous decisions - Many of the decisions we make in business either will protect those in our spheres of influence, or they will hurt them. By making decisions in a way that protects those around us from financially, professionally, emotionally, relationally, or even physically harm-rather than protecting our own selfish interests-we can serve our co-workers, customers, and colleagues with the servant’s attitude of Jesus (Phil. 2:5).

Protect through life-giving words - On every economic level, the marketplace is extremely vulnerable to negativity and fear. As such, marketplace Christians have a significant opportunity and calling to protect those around us from this negativity and fear by speaking only “what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable… things that are excellent and worthy of praise” (Phil. 4:8).

Protect through prayer - Through our prayers, we can guard our companies against loss, theft, bad business partners, bad business deals, adverse market swings, and more. Many of these things are beyond our control, but they are not beyond the control and intervention of the Holy Spirit.

You Are Royalty

When Queen Victoria was a child, she didn’t realize that she was in line for the throne of England. Her instructors trying to prepare her for leadership were frustrated perpetually because they couldn’t motivate young Victoria to take her schoolwork seriously. They knew she wouldn’t be able to lead others until she could lead herself.

Finally, her teachers admonished her, “One day, Victoria, you will be the Queen of England!”

Upon hearing this, Victoria said quietly, “Then, I will be good.”

The realization that she had inherited this high calling gave her a sense of authority, responsibility, and accountability that profoundly affected her conduct from that day forward.

Like Queen Victoria, we will always live in accordance with our understanding of who we are. As marketplace Christians, we are kings and priests who belong to God. This revelation will transform the business world as we walk in the fullness of our calling as marketplace Christians.

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” (1 Peter 2:9).

Discussion: How is God asking you to provide for and protect those in your sphere of influence in the marketplace?

Written by  Darren Shearer

Monday 24 July 2017

Presidential Access: Conservative Evangelicals Revel in Their ‘Unprecedented’ Access to the President

 Conservative Evangelicals Access to the President

Squeezed among two dozen other evangelical supporters of the president, Southern Baptist Richard Land added his hand to the others reaching to pray for President Trump.

The July 10 Oval Office prayer session, which has been panned and praised, is just one example of the access Trump and his key aides have given to conservative Christian leaders - from an hourslong May dinner in the Blue Room to an all-day meeting earlier this month in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building next door.

“This is unlike anything we’ve experienced in our career or ministry - unprecedented access, unprecedented solicitation of opinions and viewpoints,” said Land, president of Southern Evangelical Seminary in Matthews, N.C.,  and a veteran at the intersection of religion and politics.

But while religious conservatives are getting such intimate contact with the chief executive that they can literally “lay hands” on him, other faith leaders are being kept at arm’s length.

Steven Martin, the communications director for the National Council of Churches, a group that includes mainline Protestant, Orthodox and historically black denominations, declared: “I’d absolutely say we’re frozen out.”

Manjit Singh, a co-founder of the Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund, called interaction with the White House at a “very limited level to practically non-existent.”

Minhaj Hassan, a spokesman for Islamic Relief USA, said: “In the first six months of the Trump presidency, there hasn’t been any direct communication with the White House.”

Randall Balmer, chair of Dartmouth College’s religion department, calls the political shift in the White House “a whole different center of gravity religiously” from the recent past.

In the 1960s, “representatives of the National Council of Churches could pretty much knock on the door almost any time and be granted access and now you just don’t have that any longer,” he said.

Melissa Rogers, who was director of the White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships under President Obama, said it was “very common” for various offices to hold briefings for a diverse range of U.S. religious communities.

“That certainly included evangelicals, Catholics, mainline Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs and others,” said Rogers, whose former position still hasn’t been filled by the Trump administration.

In the 1980s, President Reagan welcomed conservative Christian leaders Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell Sr. to the White House. But political scientist Paul Kengor called Reagan “a Protestant with a healthy respect for non-Protestant faiths, especially Catholic and Jewish faiths.” Reagan had relationships with Pope John Paul II, Mother Teresa and Cardinal Terence Cooke and “carried in his jacket a list of Soviet Jews held in prison or denied the right to emigrate.”

Today, some groups outside the fold of conservative Christianity report a limited amount of communication with the 6-month-old Trump administration. They describe connections with Cabinet-level offices, such as Hindus with the Justice Department and Baha’is with the State Department.

Officials of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops “frequently send letters to relevant departments and agencies on vital issues of the day,” said Judy Keane, spokeswoman for the bishops’ conference. Some of those letters differed with the administration on capping the number of refugees and withdrawing from the Paris climate change agreement.

Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner, director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, said leaders of the Reform movement have met with administration officials and voiced their concerns about issues such as the two-state solution and religious pluralism in Israel.

“Despite profound disagreements on issues including immigrant justice, access to health care, voting rights, and more, members of the administration have heard our concerns with respect,” he said. “Every administration is different, but we have always found a way to make the voices of Reform Judaism heard.”

There have been a few examples of interfaith approaches by the Trump White House, such as when Vice President Mike Pence praised the contributions of Sikhs in a June speech in his home state of Indiana. Days later, he traveled to Colorado to celebratethe 40th anniversary of conservative Christian organization Focus on the Family.

And turbans, habits and an array of other religious attire were seen at the National Day of Prayer ceremony and the National Prayer Service at Washington National Cathedral on the day after the inauguration.

But two very different recent administrations - those of Presidents George W. Bush and Obama - have made more particular efforts to be inclusive, especially in relation to government partnerships with faith groups on social services, said Bob Tuttle, professor of religion and government at George Washington University.

So what benefit is there for Trump to emphasize his ties to evangelical leaders? Balmer said they provide Trump with a seal of approval.

“Whenever Billy Graham showed up at the side of any politician, it provided some sense that the politician was on the right track or doing the right thing,” said Balmer.

Though he doesn’t consider Trump’s evangelical supporters to have equivalent authority as Graham, “nevertheless they do represent that constituency, a constituency that voted for Trump at 81 percent.”

And while it may not be surprising that any president would welcome those with whom he agrees more than others, the Rev. Carlos Malavé, executive director of Christian Churches Together, says Trump risks losing a channel of communication to an important constituency.

“If the President is interested in listening to the wisdom of American Christians in general he should be open to give access to a broader representation of these leaders,” said Malavé, who hasn’t been able to get a meeting for himself and other anti-poverty advocates.

Deputy press secretary Sarah Sanders, who defended the recent prayers for the president at the White House, called those who attended the July 10 gathering “his Faith Advisory Board.” She said “they meet from time to time to speak about issues that are important to that community.”

But according to Johnnie Moore, an evangelical author and advocate for persecuted Christians who was at the Oval Office gathering, the only people who attended were evangelicals.

Two days later Trump, referring to the audience of the Christian Broadcasting Network, told CBN founder Pat Robertson: “You have people that I love - evangelicals.”

Cred: Religion News

Thursday 20 July 2017

The Devil Did Not Make You Do It

The Devil Did Not Make You Do Anything- So, Stop It

I have been counseling people almost two decades, and honestly, the devil gets a whole lot of scapegoating. I mean, I've heard the devil blamed for adultery, pornography, greed, embezzlement, fear and poor decisions, all the way down to the cupcake binge. Really I've heard so many stories where the devil has been blamed for a situation in which personal responsibility would have been a much better idea.

If a client isn't the problem, then they are not the solution. Let me explain this thought to you. You see if a couple comes in for counseling and the man blames the wife for all the problems, then he has no ability to be a solution, since he is not the problem. Rather, if he can see his own part of the problem then he can be the solution for that part of the problem.

If the devil is the problem, then as a counselor I'm really stuck. Now it's the devil who has all the power to be the solution. I would have to dial up the devil and ask him to stop bothering my client so my client can improve. I know you know the devil is not taking calls to help people improve their lives lately, so I would be on indefinite hold and my client, the victim of the devil, would be unable to change.

I think you clearly know where I'm going. If I blame the devil, I am making myself unable to be the solution. This gets even crazier with Christians who are supposed to have power over the devil.

Then the story goes something like this... The devil (who I, as a believer, have been giving authority to over Christ) tempted, influenced or made me do my out-of-control behavior again. The devil, which I am stronger than, made me do it. I think we all have seen that T-shirt or bumper sticker, "The Devil Made Me Do It."

Stay with me here, it even gets more insane when we use the devil as a scapegoat. First let's talk about the devil. He (why are all the bad guys a he?), the devil, is a singular being. That means he, like us humans, can only be at one place at one time. He is not like God, everywhere all the time (omnipresent). The devil is a limited being in time and space like all of us.

If the devil is in Chicago, he can only be in Chicago. He can't be in LA, New York, Boston or Washington, D.C., at the same time. Now he would have to be pretty fast to be tempting my telephone client in Baton Rouge and Seattle within 20 minutes of each other. It's physically impossible.

I know this sounds insane, but welcome to my world. It reminds me of a joke I once heard. This joke was extremely funny to me because I worked for years in a psychiatric hospital.

Here goes my attempt at telling this silly joke. Three guys were in a psychiatric ward among others in the unit. They all believed they were God. This was getting practically unmanageable in the unit as there were three people being God in the same group on a regular basis. So the nursing staff put all three guys who were god in a seclusion room. The nurses gave them their only assignment: to be let out. When they came out, there could only be one god. Having three gods to deal with was driving the nurses crazy during their shifts. So 30 minutes went by, and the men asked to come out; they had finished their assignment. The nurses intrigued, asked how you figured out who was God. One of them said, "Tony's God, Al is Jesus and I'm the Holy Ghost."

Let's get back to the devil. We do know he is one being, so this "one being" left his place trying to control world affairs. He traveled by flight, boat or bus to arrive at your house in, let's say, Nowhere, Ohio so that he could get you to do a cupcake binge!

Somehow I just don't think that happens. If the real devil with all his hate, fear and fallen beauty turned into ugliness came walking into your kitchen, you couldn't eat that cupcake, commit adultery, look at pornography or anything else to save your life. You would be screaming, crying or having an accident in your pajamas.

So you see the devil probably isn't a legitimate scapegoat for any out-of-control behavior. Remember, if you are not the problem, you are also not the solution. When you are the problem, you are the solution.

Now some of you Bible scholars might want to blame some of the angels that fell from heaven with the devil. You know, the demons. Demons are real, but you can still choose your behaviors. Also if you have more power than the devil, certainly you can ward off a few imps and be successful.

Hear my heart; I know there are spiritual influences, just like there are other influences that assist you in deciding to do something positive but ultimately barring severe psychological disorders, you have to choose to do this behavior. Without the choice to do the behavior, what hope would there be for you to choose not to do the behavior?

Remember if you are the problem, you are the solution. I personally love being the problem. When I am the problem I know I am the solution. I will involve God and others in the solution but I am responsible for the solution. So congratulations: You are the problem, and you are your solution!

By Dr. Doug Weiss

Sunday 16 July 2017

Christian Inspiration

Steps to Christian Inspiration

On many occasions we study how you can do things faster and but we skip the fundamental step of inspiration.  If we are inspired through the Holy Spirit there exists an insightful ability to operate.  

If we are empowered by Christian inspiration we “can do everything through Christ which strengtheneth us” (Phil. 4:13, KJV).  We read in Job: “But there's a spirit in man: and also the inspiration from the Almighty giveth them understanding.” (Job 32:8, KJV)

Probably the most important thing to remember once we study Christian inspiration is the fact that if we are inspired we have to use our inspiration for that glory of God and also to do His will.  Jesus informs us:  “But seek ye first the dominion of God, and the righteousness and all sorts of this stuff will be added unto you.” (Matt. 6:33, KJV)  We have to first seek His righteousness and the will before we can use His inspiration for His glory and our growth and benefit.

You will find 4 steps to becoming successful through Christian inspiration:

  1. Notice that everything we've comes from God which everything we all do ought to be to glorify the King of Nobleman and Lord of Lords.  God provides for us His Spirit and the inspiration for use for His glory.  Job states of God (the traditional): “With the traditional is knowledge as well as in the period of days understanding. With him is knowledge and strength, he hath counsel and understanding.” (Job 12:12-13, KJV)  God holds all of the knowledge on your lawn and just He is able to dispense from it.
  2. Ask God for that inspiration that you'll require.   “Ask, also it will be provided seek, and ye shall find knock, also it will be opened up unto you” (Matt. 7:7, KJV) Before we are able to get the knowledge of God and the inspiration, we have to first question for this.  James informs us: “If anyone of you does not have the knowledge, allow him to ask of God, that giveth to any or all men liberally, and upbraideth not also it will be given him. (James 1:5, KJV)
  3. Purpose to make use of the knowledge and Christian inspiration He provides you with for His glory and the purpose.  After we receive knowledge and inspiration, there exists a tremendous responsibility for doing things prudently.  Jesus Themself informs us: “For unto whomsoever expensive is given, of him will be much needed: and also to whom guys have committed much, of him they'll ask the greater. Inches (Luke. 12:48b, KJV).
  4.  Practice using Christian inspiration.  After you have Christian inspiration, you have to practice utilizing it.  So frequently we're given a present and we don't utilize it.  As with every skill, we may learn, Christian inspiration is most effectively used lengthy-term whenever we daily accept it.  When you're inspired and have an inspired considered something you've been battling with, write it lower, or immediately implement it.  If you use the Christian inspiration you're given, you likely reach a perfect position to get future inspiration.

Now you must 4 fundamental steps to Christian inspiration.  Whenever you consistently apply these four steps and spend more time with god Jesus Themself every day, you'll be able to make use of a virtually unlimited way to obtain inspiration.

Take time to read the Bible verses mentioned in and meditate around the Word of God daily.

Christian Success

Steps To Christian Success

1)Spend more time with Jesus each day.  I am unable to stress that enough for that success minded Christian.  So frequently we spend our time focusing on stuff that don't have any effect on our future christian success (nor any current success value) because we haven’t taken time to concentrate and know very well what Jesus wants for the lives and our success.

2)Read the Word and uncover exactly what the top 5 (or six) christian success priorities inside your existence ought to be.  For instance, for you personally it may be: Christ, spouse, children, work, retirement.  For an additional, it may be: Christ, a spare time activity, work, retirement, missions work.  As well as for another: Christ, spouse, work, a spare time activity, health and fitness.  For you both, christian success priorities may well be a quite different within the # 4, 5, or (6) spots, however the first 2 or 3 are most likely Christ and family.  Knowing your ability to succeed priorities, you are prepared for step three)

3)Create a “progress plan” for every of the regions of top success priority.  Whenever you review your existence six several weeks from now, particularly in these regions of success priority, you ought to be further along and adapted in all these areas than you're today.  Think back six several weeks ago.  Have you ever improved in every of the success priority areas?  Otherwise, you have to do something.  Now!

4)Look for a christian success mentor.  This success mentor ought to be somebody that could be concerned mainly for use on your development in these regions of success priority. This shouldn't be somebody that is definitely an “equal” along with you---somebody that also confides in your soul.  This ought to be a “one-way” street.  They will be able to pay attention to your ability to succeed priorities, assist you to create a strategy for meeting them, and then criticize you whenever you aren’t following strategy.  For that reason, they ought to most likely 't be someone that you're close emotionally, just like a closest friend or spouse.  They must be a far more neutral party, possibly someone from the select few class at church or someone suggested for you from your pastor.

5)Break all of your ability to succeed priorities lower into individual goal steps.  These “steps” ought to be sufficiently small that you could concentrate on that certain step at any given time plus they should not be way too hard to complete individually, but if you have completed all the steps you've acquired significant ground inside your priority for that given period, e.g. six several weeks.

6)Write lower all your success priorities as well as your goal steps for accomplishing them.  Leave room alongside each goal key to write the date you began the aim step and also the date you finished it.  In the finish from the six several weeks (and through it too) you'll be able to particularly track how well you're progressing.

7)Eliminate unnecessary things inside your existence that do not assist you to accomplish your ability to succeed priorities.  Try unplugging the television three nights per week until your ability to succeed priorities are accomplished.  Come with an “email free” day.  Take Sunday removed from everything.  When the telephone is definitely an incessant nuisance, power it down two nights per week.

8)Evaluate your rest…are you getting enough sleep?  What else could you do to obtain more sleep?  How about entertainment (non-TV)?  Are you currently walking, hiking, studying, ending up in buddies regularly?  Are you currently spending sufficient time with the family without interruptions through the phone or work?  Do what must be done to obtain rest and entertainment and can include the household within this step.

9)Evaluate your ability to succeed regularly.  There isn’t much that substitutes for assessing how well you're progressing a week ago and making goals for that coming week.  Sure, some days you'll are unsuccessful, however in others you'll easily meet your individual success expectations.  While you follow these 10 steps, setting success priorities, making goal steps, and doing it on everything can get simpler.

10)Simply do it!  Start somewhere, start today!  Don’t just close this site and end up forgetting all of this!  You required time to see this should you choose nothing by using it you will keep to miss your very own expectations.

Effective Christian Leadership

Steps to Effective Christian Leadership

1)Most likely the most crucial factor that you can do like a Christian leader would be to get your act together---if there's anything inside your existence, moral or ethical, which may not endure scrutiny if the whole world discovered you have to avoid it immediately.  Tendency to slack anybody an event to consider that you're a hypocrite.

2)Make sure that every decision you are making is honest and ethical.  You can't effectively lead, like a Christian or otherwise, whenever your decisions and actions aren't above-board, fair, and honest.

3)Like a Christian leader, invest in being truthful regardless of what.  Like a Christian leader, whenever you lie or tell half-facts, people have a tendency to believe that your whole belief is really a sham.  Actually, if you're habitually laying and telling half-facts, your belief may indeed be considered a sham.

4)Learn all you can concerning the tasks at hands, and sometimes it means employed in the trenches for some time.  Nobody loves to be brought by somebody who has never done what they're doing.  This doesn’t mean you need to become a specialist, just have fun playing the menial work lengthy enough to know the frustrating facets of the job.  Another advantage for this is, if you have really done the job, you are able to better brainstorm methods to challenges once they arise.

5)Lead by example.  Would you expect the employees or secretaries to reach promptly for work, and outfitted well?  Then you have to do exactly the same.  It is sometimes very easy to consider you have earned the authority to are available in whenever you want to, in order to return from lunch whenever you want.  Sure, you might have earned the best, however, you gain much more by setting the instance for performance.  Would you expect others to operate overtime whenever a project is behind projections?  Then you've got to be prepared to perform the same.

6)While you might feel you've earned the authority to delegate away everything, continue being involved with productive tasks.  By doing a few of the work, you don't only gain the respect of the employees, but additionally you connect with the flow of products.  Like a leader, you can easily become disengaged in the actual productive segment of the business, and resultantly decide that appear to be good in writing and seem good round the boardroom table, but they are really useless once the rubber hits the street.

7)Constantly reevaluate your personal performance.  Frequently, you might spend a lot time correcting those things of others and solving crises you didn’t create, that you simply create a sense that others aren’t as capable while you.  Consequently, you might not recognize when you're falling into improper habits that should be remedied.  Be the first one to recognize and proper your personal short-fallings.

8)Avoid pride.  Once in a while position of leadership, particularly if you are great at that which you do, you can easily start to feel that you're invincible.  Once occurring, you feel susceptible to pride, and could decide you'd do not allow in case your subordinates built the same decisions.  Maintain full responsibility for the actions, and them above-board whatsoever occasions.

Bonus Step:

9)Learn how to manage your time and effort.  When you're in a position of leadership and discover yourself delegating away more often than not-consuming tasks, you can easily come unglued of your energy.  Again, whenever your employees help you costing you time, they'll have a tendency to perform the same.

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