Showing posts with label MARRIAGE & RELATIONSHIP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MARRIAGE & RELATIONSHIP. Show all posts

Monday 8 January 2018

The (Sometimes Frustrating) Gift of Sex

There's Hope for every Marriage

Dr. Juli Slattery believes there's hope for every marriage.

Psychologist, author, and TCW blogger Dr. Juli Slattery is dedicated to helping women pursue passion in their marriages. But, for many wives, deep frustrations are holding them back from experiencing the sexual intimacy they long for.
We spoke with Juli about the common causes of sexual frustration, her counsel for women facing sexual challenges, and the spiritual hope women can find in these difficult situations.

Many Christian couples deal with sexual frustration but feel very alone-as if everyone else is having a great time in the bedroom while they’re missing out. But is that true? How common is sexual frustration for married couples?

That feeling of others having great sex while you’re not is perpetuated by the movies and also by the fact that when a couple stays silent about it, it’s easy to think they’re the only ones having that problem. In reality, I’d say that only about 10 to 15 percent of couples do not have some significant frustration when it comes to sexuality. So it’s far more common to run into some sort of brick wall that really is difficult.

What do you see as the most common sources of frustration, pain, or disappointment for Christian women?

The first is not being able to enjoy sex. Perhaps she can’t enjoy sex because of physical pain or because it’s always just about what her husband needs and she can’t seem to get anything from it. The second most common frustration is due to a difference in desire levels, whether it’s the woman who wants sex more often and the husband doesn’t, or whether it’s the other way around.

For some Christian women, there’s an emotional desire to experience sex as something beautiful, passionate, and God-honoring, but there’s a disconnect with their actual physical experience. A woman may be frustrated because, in reality, she’s engaging in sexual intimacy more out of duty than real sexual desire. What encouragement would you offer for someone in that situation?

First, we need to recognize that female sexuality is way more complicated than male sexuality. Many couples don’t go into marriage fully grasping that. They just assume that somehow this is all going to work out and he’ll get his needs met and she’ll get her needs met. What often ends up happening is that, because the man’s needs are more obvious, he’s typically more vocal about them, and he knows how to get his needs met.

For many couples, the first several years of marriage become about the man’s sexuality, and what they do in the bedroom becomes about how the man gets satisfied. This often happens without couples even realizing it-and nobody stops to ask, What happened to the wife’s needs?

It’s not that hard for a woman to love a guy sexually in the moment, but it can be very difficult for a man to learn how to unlock his wife’s sexuality-especially when she might not even know how herself.

I do think that that’s a common struggle for Christian women-especially those who saved themselves sexually until marriage. They might not know where to begin in terms of their own sexual needs and desires.

Yes. For example, a husband may ask, “What do you want? What feels good?” And she’ll say, “I don’t know.” Then she might start to cry or get frustrated and give up. The average couple just proceeds like that over the course of their marriage; their sex life becomes all about what he wants and he needs, but it may be because she doesn’t know what she wants and what she needs.
The first step is recognizing that this sort of pattern is not what God intended. In order for sex to be fulfilling for the wife and the husband, it is going to take serious intentionality and focus on learning who she is sexually.

Some women have been in a marriage like that for 10 or 15 years and they start to believe, There must be something wrong with my body; I guess I just can never enjoy sex. That’s just not true! There’s most likely nothing wrong with your body-and if there is, it’s most likely something that’s very easily fixed. It often has a whole lot more to do with your mind, your emotions, and your spiritual beliefs about sexuality.

One reason a wife may feel there is something wrong with her body is if she is unable to reach climax. That can be a very deep, emotional wound for a woman.

I’m not a medical doctor, but from everything I’ve read from a medical perspective, a struggle to achieve climax is almost never a physical problem. While there can be hormone imbalances and things like that which impact sexual desire and response, it’s almost never due to an anatomical difficulty. The vast majority of the time, this sort of struggle has to do with a woman’s mind and what’s underlying her thinking about sexuality.

Sometimes orgasm starts to feel like the goal that she can never achieve, so even sex play has an implicit pressure for both the husband and wife-like, Is it going to happen now? It’s kind of like when you know you have to get to sleep and you’re so frustrated that you can’t sleep that as you work yourself up, you become less likely to fall asleep, and you get more and more upset.
And the same thing is true for a woman in this situation. A continual cycle of disappointment and frustration makes it even less likely that she’s going to overcome that difficulty.

How can a woman take steps to heal if she feels stuck in a painful cycle of disappointment?

I think the solution to this kind of struggle is a combination of two things. First, it means letting [climax] go as the ultimate goal. And I’d love for a woman in that situation to sit down and list all of the things that are wonderful about sex between her and her husband. For example, she might write, It’s just between him and me and we have secrets that are fun to keep.

Sometimes we laugh together. It feels good to be able to meet his needs. It feels good when he touches me here. To realize that sex really is about more than climaxing-that there are so many good things happening-is a first step. Making climax the only goal is really robbing you of all the other gifts involved.

The second thing is not to give up hope. Don’t settle for a mindset like, Well, I guess it’s just never really going to happen for me. Instead, begin to work on it and pray that God will bring the fullness of what he wants for you and your husband sexually.

Practically speaking, how can couples work on this issue together?

I’d recommend Cliff and Joyce Penner’s book Restoring the Pleasure, which explains how couples can engage in an exercise called “sensate focus” that can help a woman become more aware of her body and pleasure. It’s also important to keep in mind that many women can’t have an orgasm without direct stimulation to the clitoris. This means that many wives need manual stimulation-not just the friction of intercourse. So don’t be shy about making this a normal part of your sexual interaction with your husband.

Sexual frustration can lead a wife to start to feel resentful toward her husband. How can she handle those feelings?

At the core of this is the common frustration that your husband isn’t like you. Whether it’s because he wants sex more often or less often or differently than you want it, that can really set both of you up for a lot of underlying anger and resentment.
For me, as a wife, it was really huge to let go of some of that anger I felt and to realize that it could be that God intentionally made me and my husband very different for his purposes. In fact, frustration is actually part of the whole gift of sex.

Think of it this way: if you and your husband were exactly the same and had the same desire, then having sex would cost you nothing. You could be selfish and be a great lover at the same time. But the way God designed it, it’s impossible to be selfish and be a great lover at the same time. It requires of you to do what Philippians 2 tells us to do: to consider the other person’s needs as more important than your own and to have a spirit of humility.

That’s what God wants in us more than anything else: he wants us to have the right heart toward our spouse. If sexual frustration is one of the things he uses, then ultimately that’s a good thing if we handle it right.

We don’t normally think of sexual frustration as a spiritual growth catalyst! What can it look like for frustration in this area to actually help a woman become more spiritually mature?

Let me just share how God is teaching me this. About seven or eight years ago, I was in that place of a woman who really was resentful about sex. Yet at the same time that I felt that way, I also had a very close walk with the Lord.
I distinctly remember one time when I was praying: Lord, I’m yours. How do you want me to serve you? I’m willing to go to the mission field for you-I’m willing to do whatever you call me to. And God clearly started to challenge me in my heart: You’re willing to do all these things, but are you willing to go up and initiate sex with your husband? Put down your Bible and go up and show your husband love.
That really hit me. I think a lot of women are in that place where they would do anything for the Lord, but this is such a tangible thing to give-and it can be such a difficult thing to give. It’s a true test of not just your devotion to your husband but also your devotion to God.

God challenged me to look at my own selfishness in a very tangible way. We hear over and over and over again from the world, “It’s your body, it’s your right.” Yes, we definitely need to hear that in certain circumstances-but Scripture also tells us that it’s not only your body. Your husband also has authority over your body. Scripture challenges both husbands and wives with a very different message: it’s not okay to be selfish with your body.

What’s the most important thing you’d like to say to Christian couples who are currently facing sexual challenges?

Look at the sexual frustration you’re experiencing not as a stop sign, but actually as something that can take you to a deeper level of intimacy with your husband. In working with couples who have been through every frustration you can imagine-from pornography addiction to adultery to physical pain during sex to many other difficulties-those who have persevered and sought the Lord through the process have, without exception, said, "I would never give up what we’ve learned. That was the hardest thing we’ve had to go through, but we are so much closer than we ever could have been if we had not gone through that trial."

Are you sexually frustrated in your marriage? Seek the Lord, work through the obstacle you’re facing, and do so with the hope that the intimacy that you build is going to be so much better than what you initially thought sex could be.

By Kelli B. Trujillo        Read what sex outside marriage says about you

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Wednesday 29 November 2017

Prayers and Tips for Overcoming Addiction to Pornography by Porn-Star-Turned-Christian

Overcoming An Addiction To Pornography

Brittni De La Mora

This is such a taboo addiction simply because it is glorified in the world and not spoken about enough in the Church. Whether you’re a male or female, if you are addicted to porn, you are not alone. The Adult Industry is a multibillion-dollar industry for a reason.

However, I don’t believe you came here for statistics. I believe you came here for help. As many of you know, I am a former Adult Star. I got into the industry at the age of 18. I did not have very much time to develop a porn addiction because I went straight into filming it.

However, what I have learned is that like any addiction pornography is an escape. It is an escape from boredom and an escape from pain. Addiction can bring forth an external euphoria that makes one forget about their internal trauma.
Have you ever been heartbroken?
Have you ever been rejected?
Have you ever felt unloved or unlovable?
Has it been challenging for you to truly forgive and let go of the pain that a person has caused you? Because often a broken heart is most susceptible to addiction.

The pain of a heart is real and out of the brokenness of one’s heart, one will look for healing or numbing wherever they can get it. For example, if you had a severe toothache but for some reason, we're unable to make it to the dentist, then I would imagine that you would take some Aspirin and put some Novocain on it until you could make it to the dentist. Right? You wouldn’t allow yourself to remain in pain, would you? The same is true for our hearts. When our heart is in pain, but we can’t find the healer, then we will naturally look for a quick fix to numb the pain. Aspirin will not cure a toothache, only the dentist can do that. Pornography will not cure a heartache, only Jesus can do that.

If you are serious and would truly like help to overcome this addiction I would like for you to boldly pray this prayer,

Brittni De La Mora on her wedding day with husband Pastor Richard De La Mora  

   “Father, I am powerless over this addiction, but you are not. I ask that you would forgive me for my sins and heal my broken heart. Right now, I forgive all who have hurt me. Jesus, I make you my Lord and Savior and I pray that you would transform me and restore my purity and innocence to me. I command the spirit of addiction and lust to leave my life now in Jesus's name. Lord, I thank you because 2 Corinthians 5:17 calls me a new creation in Christ. The old has passed away and the new has come for me. I am a new creation. I am not a product of my past nor my mistakes. In Jesus's name, Amen.”

    If you prayed this prayer I would like to encourage you to take a few more steps so that you can walk in the victory that Christ has given you.

1      Get plugged into Church - Make friendships by serving in Ministry. If you’re new to all of this, send me a message & someone from my team can help you out.

2      Read the Bible - every day. Pray - every day. Worship with a song - every day. Google Hillsong United have great worship music.

3      If you want stability, then you need accountability. Ask someone to hold you accountable (a leader in the Church would be a great choice.)

4      Have systems and platforms that will block you from going onto pornographic websites.

5      Do Not feel ashamed. Jesus died to give us freedom over our mistakes so don’t allow your mistakes to hold you as a prisoner to your past. Walk into your future, and if you slip up, don’t beat yourself up. Just get back up again.

If you have any questions, we are here for you!


Brittni De La Mora

Visit her blog for more details

Your Testimony - God’s Story in You

You have a story and if your story is God’s story in you, then that story is a testimony and can be a powerful witness for Jesus Christ. Sharing your story requires thought but no special training. “You are an expert on what happened to you!” And you can share your testimony anywhere with anyone and give them the “reason for the hope that is in you.”

You can share about Jesus Christ through your story - what God has done for you, what He is doing, and how you have experienced his grace and goodness in your life.

Here’s a question for you: Are you ready to share your faith story with others and how God’s story has transformed your story?  please use the contact us form or send an email via


Tuesday 10 October 2017

The Scripture And Marriage; Some Biblical Verses

"Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate." Mark 10:9

There are numerous Bible verses that offers guidance for when it comes to marriage. God instituted marriage as a sacred vow between a man and a woman.

Biblical verses about marriage and love gives married couple the opportunity to share their thoughts and sentiments, although other feelings may fall short. Sometimes only a very carefully chosen scripture will be enough, Here are some you can use in your marriage and love to express the joy, passion and happiness that you feel toward your spouse while paying recognition to your Christian faith.

                          Scriptures: King James Version (KJV)

-Song of Solomon 8:6-7

6 Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.
7 Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned.

-Genesis 2: 22-24

22 And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

-Proverbs 5:18-19

18 Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth.
19 Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love.

-Romans 12:10

10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;

-Proverbs 12:4
4 A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones.

-1 Peter 3:7

7 Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.

-Proverbs 18:22

22 Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord.

-John 15:12

12 This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.

-Proverbs 19:14

14 House and riches are the inheritance of fathers: and a prudent wife is from the Lord.

-Proverbs 20:6-7

6 Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?
7 The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him.

-Ruth 1:16-17

16 And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God:
17 Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the Lord do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me.

-Proverbs 31:10

10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

-Ephesians 5:22-33

22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:
30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.
33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.

-Deuteronomy 24:5

5 When a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war, neither shall he be charged with any business: but he shall be free at home one year, and shall cheer up his wife which he hath taken.

-Matthew 19:4-6

4 And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,
5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?
6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

-1 Corinthians 7:1-16

1 Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman.
2 Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.
3 Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband.
4 The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.
5 Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.
6 But I speak this by permission, and not of commandment.
7 For I would that all men were even as I myself. But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that.
8 I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, it is good for them if they abide even as I.
9 But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.
10 And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband:
11 But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife.
12 But to the rest speak I, not the Lord: If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away.
13 And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him.
14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy.
15 But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace.
16 For what knowest thou, O wife, whether thou shalt save thy husband? or how knowest thou, O man, whether thou shalt save thy wife?

-Colossians 3:18-19

18 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.
19 Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them.

-Hebrews 13:4-7

4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
6 So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.
7 Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation.

-Malachi 2:14-15

14 Yet ye say, Wherefore? Because the Lord hath been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, against whom thou hast dealt treacherously: yet is she thy companion, and the wife of thy covenant.
15 And did not he make one? Yet had he the residue of the spirit. And wherefore one? That he might seek a godly seed. Therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth.

-Colossians 3:14

14 And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness.

-Ephesians 5:25

25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

-Ephesians 5:25-33

25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:
30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.
33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.

-1 Corinthians 13:4-5

4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,
5 Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;

-Ecclesiastes 4:9

9 Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.

My prayer

Our heavenly Father, The God that designed and instituted marriage;

I pray that you grant every couple true understanding & love for each other.

Let them be filled with faith and trust.

Give them grace to live with each other in peace and harmony.

May they always bear with one another's weaknesses and grow from each other's strengths.

Lord Jesus, Help every couple to forgive one another's failings and grant them patience, kindness, comfort and the spirit of placing the well-being of one another ahead of self.

May the love that brought them together grow and mature with each passing day.

Bring them closer to You through their love for each other.

Let their love grow to perfection in Jesus glorious Name, I pray.


For Marriage Prayer and Prayer Request
1 John 5:14-15
14 And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:
15 And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.

Share as we fortify the Institution of Marriage as ordained by God

Thursday 28 September 2017

What Sex Outside Marriage Says About You

Interview with Paul Tripp 

Audio Transcript

This week we are talking with speaker and author Paul Tripp. Paul is the author of a really helpful book titled, Sex and Money. And Paul, one of the themes throughout the book that you make - and it’s an important one - is that sexuality is never secular. Sex is always spiritual. Sex is always worship. Explain this dynamic.

Well, in order to understand the worship nature of sex, again, you have to go back to how we were constructed. Worship is not first an activity. When many Christians hear the word “worship,” they hear Sunday morning, a service, a gathering or, if it is a really cool church, Saturday night. And what is important to understand is that worship is first my identity before it is ever my activity. I don’t just worship on Sunday.

I really worship my way through every moment of every day - every situation, every location, every relationship involves worship. I mean you could argue that, if you took apart the motivation of human beings, the only thing we ever do is worship.

Now, what does that mean? It means that something is always lord over my heart. Something is always controlling my heart, the heart is the seat of my thoughts, the seat of my emotions, the seat of my will and my choices. So it is the control centre of my humanness. So it is impossible for my life not to be ruled by worship.

For example, the words that I say to the people in my life are controlled by what I am worshipping. Think about this: If I am worshipping pleasure and you are in the way of my pleasure, I am going to say angry words to you. But if I am worshipping God and you are in the way of my pleasure, I am going to be patient, kind, and forgiving to you. That is the difference. And so it is impossible for me to take off my worship nature when I am pursuing human sexuality. It is structured by what I am worshipping.

Now let’s be practical. If I am worshipping myself, I will use you for my pleasure and I will hurt you. If I am worshipping sex, I will deny boundaries and go wherever sexual pleasure leads me. If I am worshipping the other person, I will try to find satisfaction in that person that I am never able to find, hurt them, and hurt myself. If I am worshipping God, then I am going to love the boundaries he has set for me, I am going to love my neighbour as myself, and sex will live the way it is supposed to live.
That’s good. So what would you say to an unmarried couple who is presently living together?

This response will sound harsh at first, but let me explain. I would say that God is smarter than you. And when you say, “No, I am not going to stand inside of God’s boundaries,” you are actually saying, “I know more about me and this relationship than God does.” Now God knows that sex is only safe in the context of a long-term, committed relationship between a man and a woman called marriage.

There may be mysteries to that which I will never understand, but I submit myself because I understand God as my Creator knows me. God as Creator knows the sex, and he knows that it is best expressed, it is best beautified and protected and made holy, inside of these boundaries. How arrogant would it be for me to say, “No, I know better”?

President, Paul Tripp Ministries,
Paul Tripp is a pastor and conference speaker.    Read also The (Sometimes frustrating) gift of sex

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Australian PM backs church which cancelled wedding of couple

Australian PM backs church which cancelled wedding of couple who posted Facebook support for same-sex marriage

The Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has defended a church that cancelled the wedding of a local coupleafter they posted their support for same-sex marriage on Facebook.

The couple in their 20s, who have not been named, were to be married at the Presbyterian church of Ebenezer St John's in Ballarat, Victoria, according to Fairfax media.

Days after Turnbull announced the forthcoming national postal survey on same sex marriage in August, the young woman posted her support for the law change. She and her fiance were then reportedly told by the minister, Steven North, that he would no longer marry them or allow the ceremony to be held in the church.

He reportedly wrote in a letter to the couple: 'After the premarital counselling that you attended and the sermons delivered at Ebenezer on this subject, you must surely appreciate that your commitment to same-sex marriage opposes the teaching of Christ Jesus and the scriptural position practiced by the Presbyterian church of Australia and by me.

'By continuing to officiate it would appear either that I support your views on same-sex marriage or that I am uncaring about this matter. As you know, neither statement is correct.

'Also, if the wedding proceeded in the Ebenezer St John's church buildings, the same inferences could be drawn about the Presbyterian denomination. Such inferences would be wrong."

The Victorian premier, Daniel Andrews, said that he had assumed that 'we would have moved beyond that sort of prejudice'.

But Turnbull defended the minister, saying: 'Churches are entitled to marry or not marry whom they please. That is part of religious freedom. My own church, the Catholic church, will not marry someone who has married before.'

The couple, who had attended the church for 10 years, told North that his decision was 'disgraceful' according to Fairfax.

'You were made aware from the beginning of our proceedings that we had gay friends and also that people in our wedding party were gay,' they said. 'How could you assume that we would abandon them or degrade them with regards to same-sex marriage?"

The moderator general of the Presbyterian Church of Australia, John Wilson, said in a statement it was a local church matter.

He told Guardian Australia: 'Within the Presbyterian church of Australia, the question of accepting requests to officiate at weddings is a discretionary matter for ministers of congregations, and not something that is directed from higher places or central offices of the church.

'The minister engages with the people concerned, counsels them, builds relationships with them, and then taking all this into consideration decides to accept or not.'

cred: Christian Today

Saturday 12 August 2017

Surviving an Affair

God can bring blossoms of joy out of the dirt of your despair

On August 12, 1988, my husband, Patrick, confessed he'd committed adultery.

His revelation was as unbelievable as if someone had told me the moon had fallen from the sky. The man who told me he'd lived a secret life of sexual sin seemed so different from the man to whom I'd been married for nine years.

But as the months went by, Pat found the strength to change, and our marriage was slowly, painfully restored. I discovered I needed God's grace as much as Pat did. And I had to choose-with God's help to remember that if God could forgive Pat's wrongs, I could, too. Today, almost 11 years after Pat's confession, thanks to God's love and power, our life together is better than ever before.

As I share my story of hurt and hope, women often reveal the terrible traumas their husbands have gone through infidelity, bankruptcy, depression, rebellion against God. But you can't "fix" your husband; you can only pray for him. When you come to the end of yourself, God will come through.

I've learned that, as a Christian, forgiveness isn't optional. But I don't think we ever forget the pain. Suffering teaches us deep truths about God's grace and love.

A few years ago, Pat surprised me by planting tulip bulbs in our flower beds. For many months-before beautiful tulips bloomed everywhere-all I saw was dirt pelted by rain. That's just like life. Sometimes all we see is the dirt watered by our tears. But God promises to bring back our joy (Isaiah 61:1-3). If you or your husband are hurting right now, trust God to bring blossoms of joy out of the dirt of your despair. He brought joy and laughter back into our lives; he can do it for you, too.

cred-Connie Neal as told to Jane Johnson Struck

The is article first appear on Todays Christian Woman

Wednesday 2 August 2017

7 Reasons WHY Great Sex Is A Must In Your Marriage

Great Sex Is A Must In Your Marriage

One thing I noticed is: when you talk about sex, it gets a big reaction. (Tweet This!) Some good and some bad, and while I totally understand this is a sensitive topic, ultimately we want to see people having great marriages, and an important part of having a great marriage is having great sex. Why?

Here are 7 reasons:

1. Great Sex Is A Must In Your Marriage From The Disconnect Caused By Everyday Life.

Wow! That’s wordy especially for me. Here is a shorter way to say it: sex helps couples resolve a conflict. Don’t believe me? Try having sex while you are mad with one another. It is easy to get busy and stay busy and get mad and get madder. When things like that happen in life, sex gets put on the back burner and you stay disconnected. If you are working on having great sex and trying to have sex multiple times a week at least, I believe it’s going to force you to pay more attention to each others’ needs and feelings - and clear the air on things a bit quicker then you would. Make-up sex is amazing as well, so that is a plus to resolving your conflict.

2. Sex Fulfills a Basic Need/Want.

I hate reading things or talking to people who just assume men are the only ones that like to have sex. Women like sex, too! At the core, sex is something that is desired, longed for, and needed. If you are married and not doing it, then you’re simply missing out on one of the joys of marriage. One of the love languages is “Physical Touch” and last time I checked, sex counts for physical touch. If this is your spouse’s love language, then they “feel” loved when you make love. Also, as my friend Shaunti observed in her book For Women Only: men especially feel like they can conquer anything in the workplace if they feel like they are winning in the bedroom, so your husband’s self-esteem can even go up the more you have sex.

3. Sex Creates Intense Intimacy Like Nothing Else

Sex unites you. Sex builds physical intimacy. (Tweet This!) It’s when my wife and I are “closest” both figuratively and literally. It bonds the couple together. For women, a powerful bonding hormone called oxytocin is released in the brain during only two activities: breastfeeding a baby or sexual orgasm. Sex connects a husband and wife on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. It mirrors the kind of spiritual intimacy we can have with God. Need I say more?

4 Sex lowers stress in Life and In Marriage.

Sex can be an escape at times, something that temporarily dims the cares of the world and releases stress. Sexually satisfied couples are less likely to be stressed out and angry. (Tweet This!)

5. Sex is Fun… Irreplaceable FUN

FUN, FUN, and MORE FUN. It’s fun, and we need more fun in our marriages! The act is fun. The memories of the activities are fun. The visuals from the act are fun. The workout, the exploration of each other’s bodies. The experimenting. The practice. I know for me and most guys I know, we want a naked visual or mental replay of sex to have with our wives as the star. If no sex happens, then the images that pop up are not of their wife. (Incidentally, my friend Shaunti and I just finished writing a book for women about the visual nature of men that will be out next year; can’t wait for you all to read that.)

6. Sex is The Best Feeling Ever.

There is a reason sex drives so much of our culture and what we do: it feels amazing. Seriously. It’s awesome and is a gift created exclusively for married couples to enjoy together, so why wouldn’t you? It’s good for you. There have to be plenty of studies to back that up!

7. Sex Protects Both Partners From Sexual Temptation Outside The Marriage.

If none of the above is met, then you’re roommates at best; your spouse will eventually look elsewhere to find validation and love. This is tough to hear, but if you were able to read my emails and hear the conversations I have, you would see how important it is to be having sex. Now, I have also talked to several people who claim to have a great sex life but still had a partner who cheated, so I am not saying sex is a guarantee against adultery, BUT frequent sex will lower the risk and temptation. There are a number of needs that need to be met in marriage - physical, spiritual, and emotional - and you need to be careful that you are meeting all of these not just concentrating on one.

By Craig Gross

Tuesday 1 August 2017

Marriage Mending

How Churches Can Rescue Marriages in Trouble

Divorces are sky-high in Tinseltown, and we can’t blame Liza Minnelli for all of them. Find out how we can avoid their marital failures.

Do Hollywood people know what marriage is all about?

Let’s count up the splits just in 2017. Scarlett Johansson and her husband Romain Dauriac broke up after just two years of marriage. Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck held it together for ten years and three kids before deciding to untie the knot. David Schwimmer and Zoe Buckman hung on for seven years.

And while we’re at it, who can forget the ten-million-dollar wedding between Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries, whose marriage lasted just 72 days? Not kidding.

So what do Hollywood marriages teach us? The answer, according to NewsMax writer Juliette Fairley, is to get a good prenup.

I hope we can do better than that.  And in fact, I know someone who DOES provide much better advice for protecting marriages: Mike McManus, founder of Marriage Savers.

Mike and his wife, Harriet, spend much of their time traveling the country teaching churches what they can do to protect marriages-even before couples exchange vows.

The first thing an engaged couple ought to do, they say, is take part in a premarital diagnostic program called PREPARE.  The couple separately answers a lengthy questionnaire, and then meets six times with a mentor couple-one that’s been married for decades. The goal is to help the couple identify the strengths and weaknesses of their relationship and learn how to better communicate and resolve their differences.

Of those who complete PREPARE, some 20 percent abandon their wedding plans-which is actually good: better a broken engagement than a broken marriage. But an amazing 90-plus percent of those who do marry are still together twenty years later, says McManus.

Marriage Savers offers other programs, as well: RESTORE helps pull couples back from the brink of divorce. It’s taught by those whose own marriages nearly crashed and burned. For instance, as Mike notes, “A couple who recovered from adultery can tell a couple in crisis, ‘This is what we did to restore trust.’” Four out of five couples who took part in RESTORE were able to mend their marriages.

Then there’s RECONCILE for people whose spouse wants a divorce. The spouse who wants to save the marriage goes through the program with a friend of the same gender. About half of the spouses who undertake RECONCILE avoid divorce.

And for step-families-a group that suffers a shocking 70 percent divorce rate-Mike recommends a Stepfamily Support Group. Eighty percent of these couples stay together.

America’s divorce rate is the highest in the civilized world. And not all of them happen in Tinseltown, or among non-believers. It’s happening because too many of our neighbors have lost the biblical view of marriage: It’s designed to be a monogamous, lifelong commitment-physical, emotional, and spiritual-intended for the nurturing of any children they may be blessed with.

Instead, whether they fully realize it or not, couples absorb a view taught by our secular culture: that marriage is based on nothing more than mutual affection-an arrangement that may be broken when the excitement fades, difficulties appear, or when somebody else catches the eye.

When people view marriage this way, sadly, their weddings become little more than expensive parties.

Which is why I need to ask this question: What is YOUR church doing to support marriage? If you visit Mike McManus’s website,, you will learn how to involve your church-or an engaged couple you know-in programs that lead to strong, life-long marriages.

by: Eric Metaxas & Anne Morse

Friday 28 July 2017

Set Leaders Free

What it takes to let leaders lead

We all have high hopes for our small groups. We want to see people growing closer to God and each other. We want to see this growth translate into the fruit of character, good works, and new people coming to faith in Jesus. Unfortunately, our desire for change and growth doesn't mean we'll see them.

While there are many factors that contribute to healthy and impactful groups, one key is having capable leaders who are given the freedom to lead. Conversely, one thing sure to stifle group health and impact is micro-managing a leader. Real leaders want to lead. When they're merely puppets, they'll become frustrated and irritated. When leaders are micromanaged, your ministry's most effective leaders will quit taking leadership positions.

To create an environment where leaders are given the freedom to lead and leaders are aligned with the mission of the church, coaches and staff must do four essential things.

Be clear about the things that are important for your church.

Creating an environment where leaders are given the freedom to lead begins long before they start leading a group. However your church has communicated what's truly important (whether you call it your mission, purpose, or DNA), you should communicate it so well that everyone in the church understands-not just your leaders. Then by the time people are ready to lead, they already understand what your church is about, and their group members have the same understanding without any additional teaching.

It's not enough, though, simply to communicate what your church is about. You need to make sure that people moving toward leadership are, in fact, aligned with your church. You don't have to give them a multiple-choice test, but you should at least have a conversation that clarifies their understanding and agreement with the core values of the church.

You'll never feel comfortable giving away leadership to someone unless you believe you're on the same page. A basketball coach wouldn't put a player on the court who couldn't articulate the play. In the same way, we can't put people into leadership positions if they can't articulate how our church has chosen to pursue the mission of Jesus together.

When you're confident someone understands this and is prepared to lead within your church's framework, it becomes much easier to let them lead.

Have a good method for selecting and training leaders.

At our church, this process is pretty organic. We don't have a 10-step process for leadership selection, but we have identified characteristics we look for in small-group leaders. Depending on the ethos of your church, this process may look like a series of conversations or a leadership class people need to complete. There is no one right way to select and train leaders, but there is a wrong way.

Here's what the wrong way looks like:
"Hey, small groups start up in two weeks and we need to offer a couple more groups."
"Okay, umm, what should we do?"
"Well, I just thought we could make an announcement on Sunday and see if anyone volunteers. If they don't, we could call people until we
find someone."

Your small groups are too important to throw just anyone into leadership! In a smaller church like ours, we can pretty easily watch people's behavior and get a good idea of who would be capable of leading. We also identify people who aren't prepared to lead right now but show many characteristics that would make them good leaders in the future. Then someone from our Leadership Team intentionally connects with them to help them develop. Larger churches may need a more delineated process for identifying and developing future leaders.

When you're confident in a person's character and abilities, it frees you to take your hands off and let them lead. On the flipside, if you believe a leader is untrustworthy or incompetent you will naturally be looking over his or her shoulder.

Cred: Trevor Lee of smallgroups

Friday 21 July 2017

Finding Mate Who Doesn't Have the Jezebel Spirit

How to find a Healthy Mate Who Doesn't Have the Jezebel Spirit

You will find vast amounts of people on the planet who're operating within the Jezebel spirit. 

They're charismatic, physically attractive, showing effective leadership characteristics and therefore are attending places of worship while appearing godly, but would be the greatest disadvantage artists available. So how will you discern if an individual is who they appear at first sight and seem to be?

How will you make certain that the existing decision that's so critical isn't converted into a huge mistake that may place your very existence in danger? You will find signs to consider that are very disguised you need to discern and never look upon the outward surface but to determine within the spirit realm regarding who that individual is really behind closed doorways.

Individuals who are employed in the Jezebel spirit are Academy Award-winning actresses and actors who are able to fool 98 percent of those on the planet into believing those are the most loving and caring individuals. They'll do enough things for some individuals, mainly in the church, to help you think that they're charitable and providing while operating inside a deep, dark, sinister double existence behind closed doorways. Those are the essential Dr. Jeckyl/Mr. Hyde personality who is able to appear so debonair, and "existence from the party" while watching public, while demeaning and controlling you to definitely in which you seem like a mistreated puppet behind closed doorways. You are feeling like you're in a spy movie where everybody believes the star is a really caring, giving and loving person, but in the finish from the movie, he was the one that murdered all of the others unknowingly to everybody else.

What exactly are the signs to consider to find out if an individual may potentially be living a great lie and portraying themselves is the most loving person on the planet, while in reality, they would like to control every move you are making and lead you to bow for them and shut you lower in ministry?

They'd have become the track of either a parent who rejected, controlled and manipulated them (the greater hurt and discomfort-the more powerful the Jezebel spirit is going to be upon them-therefore if these were mistreated emotionally or perhaps physically or sexually, they would usually carry a serious Jezebel spirit).

They'll be very insecure because of not getting the security by their parents and can compensate by looking into making themselves look very confident and bold.

They'll be anxious (from fear that's been pushing them since childhood because the enemy continues to be whispering for them for life).

They are able to overcompensate within their lives because of the fear if you attempt to overpower others with regards to exercising to achieve physical strength and violence-they may also be very competitive in everything attempting to prove that they'll beat you at anything. They don't prefer to lose at anything and therefore are a real drag to become married simply because they can make everything a contest so if you're better their way at something then they're not going to wish to play that game or make an effort to do your work.

They'll minimize you so that they look great and you're feeling bad.

They're excellent at putting on a mask to hide the evil that lurks within them until there is a ring in your finger to enable them to take control of your every move once married and it is far too late.

They would like to marry someone attractive who'd be looked at "arm chocolate" and whom they are able to showcase to create themselves look great while watching public, such could be regarded as a trophy wife (or husband) while attempting to control their every move once married.

They're going to have strong, selfish sexual urges that aren't godly as they like bring pleasure privately and don't worry about their spouses' wholesomeness and godliness. They would like to dominate you in each and every way imaginable because they will need their selfish fleshly wants to be met and can lead you to compromise your godly values through their constant putting on you lower to provide into them.

They'll be very jealous individuals-particularly if you are speaking to someone of a potential partner-even proclaiming that you had been thinking about an intimate affair together when nothing might be more wrong. One lady informed her husband who operated inside strong prophetic gifting he could no more give prophetic words to women during worship because it wasn't proper. So from attempting to keep the peace, he'd to simply give prophetic words to men.

Additionally, you must provide time. When you get married inside a short time-frame, they can hide and safeguard the actual deviate person within them. Should you date them for more than a year and spend some time around them, then you'll begin to see the warning flags show up because they cannot ensure that it stays hidden forever. You have to discern within the Spirit by not only searching upon the top but seeing within the Spirit, and also the Holy Spirit will disclose the reality. The main reason they behave having a strong anxiety level is as they do not want individuals to uncover who they may be behind closed doorways. 

They don't want you to definitely know they have lied for you many occasions already, are control freaks and can manipulate you at each turn to have their way, and also have a sexual problem that's very dark. They're constantly searching over their shoulders and seeking to pay for their tracks which means you cannot discover who they may be.

If you possess the Holy Spirit in your soul, then you definitely will be able to discern with a level a few of the warning flags. Oftentimes these folks can pray in tongues (or at best state that they are doing) and could be prophetic. That's the reason it so answers to spend just as much time together as possible before you decide to say I actually do. Can these folks ultimately get delivered in the Jezebel and Leviathan spirits? Yes, they are able to, but it's not easy. They have to admit for their dark behavior behind closed doorways and wish to be let out. I've come across thousands all over the world get free through my ministry and my book Restored to Freedom. 

However, if you simply are searching to obtain remarried-you'd be best offered not marrying you aren't the Jezebel spirit since you will be connecting you to ultimately a really frightening, controlling person. God is on the go and desires His people to tell the truth, pure and righteous prior to the Lord.

Thursday 20 July 2017

Tips for dealing with a broken heart

Five Tips for dealing with a broken heart

The human heart carries the physical capacity to maintain us in good health, the spiritual capacity to grow us towards God’s love, and the emotional capacity to appreciate those we care about and wish well

The downside of having this beautiful instrument God designed is that it can be broken. Every family has had to deal with the effects or potential hazards of a broken heart.  Whether you have experienced problems in your marriage or are preparing your teen for the world of dating, a broken heart is likely to happen at some point in our Christian journey. It's best to learn how to prepare yourself to deal with the potential risks of opening your heart and what can happen rather than put all your hope in the fallible heart of man.

We turned to and to help us better prepare you for the unpopular journey of dealing with a broken heart. God’s holy word gives us a strong warning on how to protect what could emotionally be our body’s most sensitive organ, the heart.  The new living translation states: Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.

That life course can be altered or even hindered by the choices we make in who to date, marry and start a family. Cliff Young and Laura MacCorkle are contributors to Crosswalk. They share their experience and advice on how to face the inevitable. “What I have discovered through “trial and error” (a.k.a. dating) is most relationships don’t work out (surprise!), and it would be beneficial for us to learn from and learn how to manage breakups since we may encounter them again.

For many of us, it is a day to day journey of struggle, heartache, emotions, and growth. Some journeys will be easier than others and some may last longer than others (oftentimes depending upon which side of the break-up you are on). However, your journey can and will lead to peace if you refrain from holding onto bitterness, spite, envy, jealousy, and anger against your former “interest.”

Here are five tips to help your heart examine why breakups occur and what you can do to aid your process of healing.

1) Have faith God has plans for you to prosper and not harm you (Jeremiah 29:11).

You may never know or understand why the break-up happened; however, God may be protecting you from this person, He may want you all to himself at this time or he may have someone better suited for you. Whatever the reason, God knows our beginning, the middle and the end and truly wants the best for us, as our Father. Have the faith to recognize it, believe it and live it.

Place your hope in God and his Spirit, not in someone else (Romans 5:5). It may be difficult to do at times, but placing your hope in a perfect God is a better decision than giving your life to a fallible human. God continually shows this to be true in ways we can’t even fathom and hope placed in him does not disappoint. I’m not sure we can say the same about others, or ourselves.

Jack Wellman encourages What Christians Want to readers to consider the life of Job and the suffering he experienced through heartbreak, the loss of children and things he had worked for and a wife who encouraged him to curse God and die. His article offers the following suggestions in healing.

2) Consider Eternity

When we think about eternity and this life, which is only a vapor, we can place this tiny speck of time up against eternity and see just how inconsequential it is compared to eternity. James wrote “you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes” (James 4:14). Our finite minds cannot even comprehend what eternity is, therefore try to place today’s heartbreak up against the linear line of eternity and you’d be hard-pressed to even see it. Yes, it does hurt but as the psalmist wrote of God’s loving discipline, “For his anger is but for a moment, and his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning” (Psalm 30:5).  Here is the true scale; take the tiniest piece of dust you can find and place it on one side of the scales and then place all matter of the entire universe and you’ll get the proper perspective on today versus eternity.

3) Pour out your Heart

When there is nothing more but to pour out your heart, then just do it.  God can take it.  Just tell Him about what has been done to your heart, how you’ve been crushed, but the psalmist says “The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18).  It is God alone Who “heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds” (Psalm 147:3) and “is near to all who call on him” (Psalm 145:18a).  Now you must read it and believe it for God said it and God cannot lie (Num 23:19; Heb 6:18).

4) Use your Pain to Minister

Some people’s greatest ministries are birthed out of great suffering so use your heartache as a means to comfort others who have been through similar situations.  Paul writes about the God “who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God” (2 Cor 1:4) like for Paul it was “God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us by the coming of Titus” (2 Cor 7:6) so God will comfort us by sending others and why not you?  There is no reason for suffering without purpose because God never wastes anything He permits; even suffering.

5) Find Someone to Help

One of the best ways to deal with a broken heart is to help those who have the same problem.  For some, it might be a one hour visitation just to visit with someone in a nursing home, it might be writing a letter to a missionary to encourage them, or it could be just offering to help somebody that you know that needs help.  Maybe you could invite them out to dinner or invite them to your home for a meal.  It might be filling in at the church nursery, volunteer to be a Sunday school teacher substitute, or just go up to the pastor and ask him. Maybe he needs someone to help with the church outreach or sound technician. God has placed each and every member of the Body to encourage, build-up, and edify the church of Jesus Christ. If you’re a Christian, Jesus has a role for you in His church and in the community or He would have never saved you.

As with the occurrence of any traumatic event in life, the healing of a broken heart may take time to mend.  It's important that time spent between your initial loss and your recovery and happiness is spent thinking on the word of God and building your hope and trust in a love that never fails - God’s love.

May your hope and love in our never-failing Father continue to grow and flourish despite the people in life that may disappoint. God bless.

By Sherise Henry

Monday 17 July 2017

Christian Singles Guide

A Guide To Christian Singles

Living as a single can be an option for some, but for most of us, it's a stage before marriage that should really get you prepared for an existence-lengthy commitment. 

Within this stage, you typically date to locate your future spouse. Even single parents, separated and divorced women and men, widowed and uninvolved persons who're similarly known as singles at some point are searching for his or her right diamond necklace and plan to marry or remarry.

Because so many (otherwise most) singles still intend to enter marriage, they're predisposed up to now or day people of the identical interests, ideas, nationality, affiliations and many especially, religion. Thus, singles have frequently explained the audience or category they fit in with for example “Christian singles,” “American singles,” “single parents,” “Jewish singles,” and “LDS Singles.”

Unquestionably, discussing exactly the same belief is extremely essential to an effective relationship furthermore, to some effective marriage. Thus, most Christian singles choose to settle lower with fellow Christians.

In the U.S, Christian singles occupy greater than 80 percent from the final amount of Yankee singles, with different 2000 U.S. Census reports. The Christian singles category is further damaged lower into Catholics (24.five percent), Protestants (52.seventeen percent), Mormons (1.eighty percent) along with other Christians (4.13%).

Having a large area of the entire American population occupied by single women and men, it's logical to infer that Christian singles occupy a sizable area of the American population. This really is substantiated through the multifarious websites that provide online dating services for a lot of Christian singles.

Locating a Christian partner with these sites, however, has some drawbacks.

Websites that provide online dating services for Christian singles, although managed by Christians, are business-as with nature. More frequently, they disregard the major facet of dating for Christian singles, that is belief.

It's interesting to notice that the majority of Christian singles are considerably interested in locating a “born again or saved” mate along with a true Christian mate having a solid knowledge of God’s words as opposed to a mere date. Finding such s partner entails not only matching of qualifications, interests along with other things most internet dating services for Christian singles provide.

If you fail to find the right work with that you can share a Christ-centered marriage, do not concern yourself. The existence of merely one Christian in the end, shouldn't be distinguished by a powerful longing to locate a mate but instead by happiness and contentment in living a Christian existence.

Sunday 16 July 2017

Maltese Parliament Legalizes Gay Marriage within an Almost Unanimous Election

Maltese Parliament Legalizes Gay Marriage

EUROPE: The country of Malta legalized same-sex marriage the 2009 week inside a sweeping election of 66 to 1.

The traditional phrase, “you are now husband and wife,” is set to be replaced with a vaguer one: “you are now spouses.”

Helena Dalli, Malta’s Equality Minister, the proponent from the legislation, really wants to “modernize the institution of marriage.”

“As a Christian politician I cannot leave my conscience outside the door,” said , Edwin Vassallo, the one member of the Maltese Parliament who voted against the measure, according to the Washington Post. The Catholic lawmaker says the new law is “morally unacceptable,” but, according to The Malta Independent, added, “This was a matter of my personal conscience and I cannot try and influence the conscience of others,” when asked if other members of parliament shared his sentiments.

However, Vassallo isn’t the only leader in the predominantly Catholic country who opposes the new legislation, and there are others who take a stiffer stance against the new law.

“I can decide that a carob and an orange should no longer be called by their name,” said Archbishop Charles Scicluna. “But a carob remains a carob and an orange remains an orange. And marriage, whatever the law says, remains an eternal union exclusive to a man and a woman.”

The law will also replace the terms “mother,” and “father,” and with, “parents.”

Christian Dating Services

A Look at Christian Dating Services

Places of worship frequently stress the advantages of love, marriage, and family existence, and Christians ought to form relationships with other people.  Many Christian singles face the matter that meeting other qualified Christians can be very difficult.  Individuals in small places of worship frequently fight to meet enough men and women, while singles in large church communities feel underneath the spotlight, or think it is hard to become familiar with people well.

For many Christian singles, the possibilities of meeting Christians using their company denominations or maybe even different places of worship could be rare.  Christian Online Dating Services emerged because Christian singles needed a method to contact other Christian singles within their community.  The Christian dating service industry has since grown like a service and business.

The web is becoming an essential outlet for that dating industry, including Christian online dating services.  Christian internet dating, for many, is a terrific way to find love, especially if they're searching for somebody that shares a devotion to belief and ideals and hopes for the same lifestyle.  So many people are concerned that Christian internet dating isn't satisfactory, due to a number of reasons.

Some concerns range from the precision of profile matches and also the reliability of other dating service subscribers, but Christian online dating services have eliminated the obstacle of spiritual compatibility.  The very fact that an individual is trying to find another Christian single immediately eliminates the clumsiness of touching the topic of religion.  If a couple is compatible with religion, they might be compatible in different ways too.

Christian internet dating could be a good way for single those who are frightened or apprehensive about the internet dating experience.  Since the target demographic includes individuals who follow a spiritual lifestyle, and for that reason have similar morals and values, Christian internet dating websites can offer a secure atmosphere for his or her users.

looking for Sacred Romance by Tessa Afshar

Tessa Afshar Writes looking for Sacred Romance

When her parents divorced, Tessa Afshar found herself inside a strange " new world ". Becoming an adult growing up of nominal Muslims in Iran, she’d vaguely supported God, but had not been particularly religious. Yet here she was now, attending a girls’ boarding school in England-and, associated with pension transfer such schools, that resulted in every Sunday, she visited a church.

The congregation’s rules weren’t too stringent: Throughout the service, foreign students were even asked to sit down within the balcony and quietly read their very own books of belief. Tessa, however, could only read British and Persian-and, not the Qur’an’s Arabic. Rather, then, she read romance novels.

Though she didn’t realize it at that time, Tessa’s covert Sunday studying would eventually give research on her calling: After her conversion to Christianity in her own twenties, Tessa started writing scriptural novels-and she or he hasn’t stopped since. Her award-winning retellings of scriptural narratives (such as the lately released Bread of Angels, which reimagines the storyline from the New Testament’s Lydia) still delight her fans, even while her speaking and prayer ministry helps to deepen her relationships together with her readers past the printed page.

For today’s episode from the Calling, Tessa joins CT managing editor Richard Clark to talk about much more about her childhood in Iran and England, her unpredicted discovery of belief, and also the passion for a person's heart that drives her to create pen to page.

On discussing her newly found belief together with her father

I remember him tossing the Bible over the room, bent over laughing. The factor is, I didn't feel offended, and I didn't argue-because I used to be there. I understood how he felt. Belief isn't won by arguments. Belief is won by an event of affection.

On why her books don't romance novels

The romance novel resides on a superficial basis, and also the heart from the novel may be the romance. I'm interested in negligence the center that will get damaged but could be loved-negligence the center that starts seeing itself inside a bent, twisted way, to ensure that after I try looking in the mirror I see myself via a veil of shame, a haze of rejection, a diminishment from the self. I’m thinking about how this stuff enters into the soul and the best way to pluck them out.”

On connecting to other people through prayer

Your beginning point is the fact that deep reference to your Father-but from that placed you start researching others. Whenever you take a look at someone, the thing is a person, and behind individuals' eyes the thing is an existence resided. The thing is wounds. The thing is locations that are vacuums of affection and acceptance. Prayer is an item of profound three-way reference to God and yet another person.”

On meeting Jesus inside a dream

My first response was certainly one of disappointment. I never browse the Bible-my only contact with Christianity was a few movies they accustomed to show in England during Easter time and Xmas. Both in shows, the individual playing Jesus really was good-searching. The Jesus of my dream didn’t seem like that whatsoever. He was a type of homely. But because he came closer, I saw his eyes as well as in his eyes, I saw probably the most incredible love.”

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