Friday 5 January 2018

Expressions of God's goodness


May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. -2 Corinthians 13:14 NIV

The God of biblical revelation is no impersonal absolute. The living God is the God of love and grace. But what do such terms mean? It is in Scripture that big terms such as “love” and “grace” are embodied in stories as well as in direct affirmations. In particular it is Jesus Christ and his story that provides the lens through which to view what the big biblical ideas are about.

What does divine love look like? 

Love is manifested in action, as the story of Jesus exemplifies. Jesus embodies the divine love in his coming and his cross. As John 3:16 famously affirms, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son.” Paul elaborates, “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom. 5:8). John adds to this testimony: “This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him” (1 John 4:9). As in the OT, in the NT practical consequences follow. Jesus exhibits a new paradigm for loving others (John 13:1-7). This love serves. This love shows hospitality. This love washes the feet of others. We are to love like that. Love is the new commandment (John 13:34). It is new because it is informed by the story of Christ.

This newness carries over into the Christian household. As in the OT, the NT presents no mere duty-ethic. This love is an answering love to the divine love as experienced in Christ: “We love because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19). This love is not manufactured by us; it is the fruit of the Spirit of Christ living within us (Gal 5:22). This love cannot possibly claim to love God while hating other believers (1 John 4:20). Some things - like knowledge and prophecy - fade away (1 Cor 13:8). But love remains (1 Cor 13:13). It never fades.

What does grace look like? 

Divine grace is undeserved favor of a superior bestowed on an inferior. The Israelites experienced God’s grace when he delivered them from Egyptian oppression. God proclaims to Moses on Mount Sinai, “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God” (Exodus 34:6). The exodus event also shows that when God acts graciously, it means salvation for some (Israel) but often judgement for others (Egypt and its gods as in Exodus 12:12-13). In Jesus the divine grace comes into view in the most personal of ways, as John points out in his prologue (John 1:17). By coming among humankind and dying on the cross, Jesus Christ did what he was not obliged to do, and he did so not for his own sake but for ours, undeserving though we are.

The nature of this undeserved favor removes any grounds for our boasting before God about our meritorious works. As Paul tells the Ephesians, “It is be grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast” (Eph 2:8-9).

Even though the accent on grace in Scripture focuses repeatedly on God or Christ as the gracious one, those who have received such grace must be gracious themselves. This graciousness must show itself especially in Christian generosity (2 Cor 8:9) and speech: “Let your conversation be always full of grace” (Col 4:6). Unsurprisingly such gracious speech characterized Jesus Himself (Luke 4:22).

Grace and love occur together in the Bible, and both express his goodness. We deserve neither God’s love nor his grace. Church leader Irenaeus rightly said in the second century, “[Jesus] became what we are that we might become what he is.” Such is grace. Such is love.

How does the grace and love you receive from Jesus Christ affect the way you treat others?

Cred: Bible Connection News

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Wednesday 3 January 2018

'We Want to Obey Jesus' says Laos Teen sisters

Teen Sisters in Laos Beaten, Tied Up by Family for Converting to Christianity

Two teenage sisters in Laos who converted from animism to Christianity have shared how their loved ones beat them, tied them up, locked them out of the home, and left them there for four days -- however, their faith continues to be unshaken.

17-year-old Nani and 16-year-old Nha Phong converted to Christianity in autumn 2016 after listening to the truth of the gospel from a relative.

"My cousin told me about the Good News," Nani told persecution watchdog Open Doors. "He is a pastor in a church based in a village near ours. I liked what I heard really, and for this reason, I became a believer."

The sisters before long became involved with their local church -- nevertheless, their newfound faith didn't come without repercussions. The girls' parents and extended family members, devout animists, strongly opposed their decision for being followers of Jesus.

"When we went to church one time, our family became very angry at us. They told us never to go. My cousin and nephew said It was necessary to return to my old religion, and if I failed to they will hit me and force me out from the church," said Nani.

That period, the cousin failed to fulfil his threat. But 3 weeks afterwards, as soon as the girls left for church, their family members - around 6 to 9 individuals - followed them secretly­ and dragged the sisters out from the worship service

"They tied us up and my dad hit my sister, but he didn't hit me. I don't know why" Nani recalled.

They took the sisters back to their village, where they were separated and kept tied up for several days.

"They took me to my uncle's house and asked over and over again: 'Do you still believe in God?' They threatened me and told me that unless I renounced my new faith, they will keep me tied up," said Nha Phong.

Finally, after four days, the sisters were released.

"Our family remained very upset over our decision to stand firm in our faith in Jesus," Nha Phong said.

Despite such persecution, the girls say their faith is stronger than ever.

"I believe our strength to stand firm is a gift from God. God gave us the passion to believe," said Nani. "There is a Bible verse in Ephesians 6. Whenever people fought in the past, they used a shield, and I want to have faith like a shield. When the evil one tries to shoot arrows at us, I will use the shield to protect me. So I have to put my faith in Jesus."

While Nani and Nha Phong's father is still opposed to his daughter's religion, his wife has shown interest in Christianity and even followed her daughters to church on occasion.

"Our mother never hit us, but our father did. He did this after the head of the village told him to. Dad listened to the authorities who did not want us to go to church," said Nani. "He didn't want my Bible in the house, so he took my Bible and hid it somewhere I couldn't find it. I found it later, so now I can read my Bible again."

"It has been really hard to not obey our father, who is the head of the family. But we want to obey Jesus more than anyone. We know that Jesus died for us, and we do not want to go back to our old religion. Even if it is difficult, we want to follow Jesus," she added.

While the girls have been able to go to church for Sunday service from time to time, they continue to face persecution.

"The head of the village told our mum that if we, her daughters, continue to go to church, they will throw us in jail. They said that we should get out of the village," said Nha Phong.

In May, authorities arrested the girls along with seven other Christians. Shortly after, the sisters were released, and they escaped to another village. Today, they live in their Christian cousins' village.

Due to the fact, Nha Phong cannot read, she's only able to hear the Word of God when she's able to come to Church.

"But I believe in my heart," she said.

Open Doors asks believers around the globe to pray that Nani and Nha's mother, father and cousins should come to trust in Jesus; that God will give the girls the strength and courage to stand firm; and that Nha should be able to learn how to read and write to ensure she can read the Word of God for herself.

Buddhists make up more than 57 percent of the population of the Communist country, according to Operation World. About 35 percent of the population adheres to indigenous religions, and only 3.4 percent of the population is Christian.

Open Doors notes that Buddhism, animistic beliefs and practices, is deeply ingrained "in the thinking and culture of society."

"Every deviation from it is unthinkable and perceived as dangerous," says the outlet. "Therefore, Christians refusing to participate in Buddhist practices are perceived as foreign and a threat to traditional culture. Witnessing to Buddhist neighbours and family can be a huge challenge, but believers here are boldly living out their faith."

Laos is ranked 24 on Open Doors’ World Watch List of countries where believers face the most persecution and have received the maximum score in the violence category.

Kiss American Money Goodbye, Trump Tells Palestinians

President Trump threatens aid to Palestinians

US President Donald Trump on Tuesday warned that if the Palestinian Authority does not become more conciliatory in its approach to Israel, then it will no longer receive American financial aid.
The Palestinian leadership has painted Trump's recent recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel as a major obstacle to peace, going so far as to reject any further American role in the peace process.

Trump's White House has responded that the Palestinian Authority was itself an obstacle to peace long before he ever came to the White House. Trump himself said that was evidenced by the Palestinian regime's latest refusal to even come to the negotiating table.

The president tweeted that "with the Palestinians no longer willing to talk peace, why should we make any of these massive future payments to them?"

Nor was Trump's threat a mere Twitter rant.

US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley told reporters that cutting funding of the Palestinian Authority has been a very real topic of discussion.

"The president has said that he does not want to give any additional funding until the Palestinians agree to come back to the negotiating table," Haley said at a press conference on Tuesday. "The Palestinians now have to show their will that they want to come to the table. As of now they’re not coming to the table but they ask for aid. We’re not giving the aid. We’re going to make sure that they come to the table. And we want to move forward with the peace process."

Israel Communications Minister Ayoub Kara hailed this new approach by Washington, tweeting that Trump had finally ripped of the "Palestinian mask of hypocrisy."

Palestinian leaders were less impressed, insisting they would not be "blackmailed" by Trump.
Keeping to the Palestinian Authority tradition of ignoring even the most recent past, Palestinian lawmaker Hanan Ashrawi presented the situation in a vacuum, suggesting that Trump's Jerusalem declaration was the sole reason the peace process had stalled.

"President Trump has sabotaged our search for peace, freedom and justice. Now he dares to blame the Palestinians for the consequences of his own irresponsible actions!" Ashrawi screeched.

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Tuesday 2 January 2018

Bible Stories About Forgiveness

Five Inspirational Scripture Summaries

The Bible is one long story of how God reaches out to show His love and forgiveness to mankind. In Genesis 3:15 God gives His first promise of a Redeemer who would forgive the world of their sin. God gives various stories in His Word demonstrating forgiveness.

Jacob and Esau (Genesis 25, 27, 32, 33)- Forgiveness Bible Story

The twins Jacob and Esau were very different from one another. One was a man’s man. Esau loved outdoor activities like tending the sheep and hunting. Jacob preferred to stay at home and learn from his mother.

One day Esau came in from the field famished. He begged Jacob to give him something to eat. In return Jacob sold a bowl of soup to his older twin in exchange for the birthright. Esau traded the larger portion of their inheritance for a bowl of beans. (Genesis 25:29-34)

The deception continued. When their father Isaac knew he was near death he requested that his manly son Esau kill a deer to prepare a fine meal before dividing the estate. Rebbecca, the mother of the twins, heard the request and helped Jacob pull off a grand scheme to fool Isaac into giving Jacob the larger portion of the inheritance.

In the end, Jacob had to run for his life. He fled to another country to find his mother’s relatives who would care for him. It was many years before he returned to his own family. When he did, he heard that his brother Esau was looking for him. The deceiver Jacob was scared. He devised a plan so that his brother could only destroy half of Jacob’s wealth if he was caught. (Genesis 32)
When they finally met, Esau ran to Jacob and hugged him and kissed him and showed forgiveness and mercy. He had so forgiven Jacob that he was surprised Jacob would even think that there might be hard feelings between them. (Genesis 33)

Joseph (Genesis 37-50 )- Forgiveness Among Brothers

The 11th son born to Jacob was Joseph. God revealed His plan for the life of Joseph when he was still a young boy. Joseph excitedly talked with his brothers about God’s plans. His brothers became jealous and eventually sold him into slavery while telling their father Jacob that his favorite son had been killed by a wild animal.

Joseph was bought by a man who eventually recognized Joseph’s honesty. The man gave Joseph great freedom even though he was still a slave. Eventually Joseph was wrongly accused of a crime and ended up in prison. Joseph’s integrity won him favor with the jail keepers and he became a guard over other prisoners. Through time God elevated Joseph to great power within the kingdom.

The brothers thought Joseph was dead. They did not suspect that the man they stood before was their own brother Joseph. When Joseph revealed himself, they were shocked to know he was alive. They even feared for years that he would seek retribution. After the family was reunited they lived together in Egypt. When their father passed away, the brothers began to fear even more that Joseph would finally show his hatred towards them (Genesis 50:15). Joseph was heartbroken when he learned they still did not trust him and that they feared what he would do to them (Genesis 50:17).
This amazing story of forgiveness culminates with these words from Joseph to his brothers:

“And Joseph said unto them, Fear not: for am I in the place of God? But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive. Now therefore fear ye not: I will nourish you, and your little ones. And he comforted them, and spake kindly unto them.” (Genesis 50:19-21)

David and Mephibosheth (2 Samuel 9 )- Another Great Bible Story About Forgiveness

Though King Saul tried to destroy David throughout the book of 1 Samuel, David responded with kindness and forgiveness to the household of Saul. After he became king, David looked for anyone who was still living from the household of Saul so that he could demonstrate his love and friendship for Jonathan, Saul’s son.

David showed kindness to Mephibosheth by restoring to him and his family the land owned by the former king. David paid to have the land farmed and cared for. As for Mephibosheth himself, David made a place for him at his own table so that he was accepted as part of the kings family.

Prodigal Son (Luke 15)- Forgiving Bible Story Between A Father and a Son

Jesus taught a story that illustrates redemption, love and forgiveness in Luke 15:11-32. It is commonly called the Parable of the Prodigal Son.

There was a man who had two sons. The oldest was obedient and content to live with his father. The younger couldn’t wait to get away from the family to live life on his own terms. When he was able, he went to his father to ask for his portion of the inheritance. When he got his money he ran off to a far away land. Jesus says that the young man wasted his money in wild living. A short time later the economy bottomed out and the man had no money, no job and no friends. He was willing to take whatever job he could get and ended up taking care of pigs for a farmer. He was so destitute that he was willing to eat the pig feed to stay alive.

The young man wised up and realized that he had a loving father who treated his servants better than the boy was currently living. He decided to return home as a servant to the father. At least he would have food to eat. Little did he know, his father was expecting the boy’s return. As soon as the father saw the young man on the horizon, he ran to him with open arms of forgiveness.
Though the boy returned with hopes of just being a servant, the father accepted him as the son he always was. The boy was forgiven and restored to his former position in the family.

Woman Taken in Adultery (John 8 )- A Bible Story Where Jesus Examples Forgiveness

In a show of His own divinity, Jesus forgave a woman who was caught in the act of adultery. She was brought to the Lord by the spiritual leaders in town. They wanted to see if Jesus, claiming to be the Son of God, would obey the Law of God and have the woman stoned. Instead, Jesus said that they were welcome to start the stoning as soon as they felt like they were without sin and did not deserve a stoning of their own. They dropped their rocks and walked away.

Jesus feigned surprise when he looked up from playing in the dirt and the woman was standing there alone with no accusers. Asking her if there was anyone left to accuse her of her sin, she answered “No.” Jesus responded, “Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.”

Forgiveness is an attribute of God that we are consistently taught in the Bible that we too can demonstrate to others.

By  David Peach

Friday 22 December 2017

Prayer Requests

Today's Prayer Requests

1 John 5:14-15
14 And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: 
15 And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.

John Sorensen |  Please pray I will be successful at abstaining from drinking coffee. I really like the taste and flavor of coffee, however, I always get bad stomach aches and heartburn soon after I drink any coffee. I bought some green tea, and I am sure that is what I want to drink instead of coffee May this go well.

Nicki palmer | prayer for heal

VERA BANKSTON-JONES | FATHER GOD, Father God I understand that you move and plan for the betterment of my life, and there's no flaws or untruth with anything you do! Guide my steps, my heart, my mind, my life, and continue to bless me with your undying Grace!.......SELAH

Amoako Agnes | God should help me to achieve all my aims and anything that is blocking my future things and marriage too

DH | Please help my cousins get out of my home and into there own place so they can get there kids back. Have them leave us alone we don't need there drama no more it's putting too much stress on me my health my kids and my husband we just want our lives back the way it was before I tried to help them get on there feet but all the did was use me stab me in the back got the law going to come for me for there dumb mistake. We don't need this we want out please Lord help get them out and to leave us alone wrong need this in our lives. We gave too many bills now we can't pay phone call after phone call people sueing us for money we ain't got can't even get food for our kids because of my cousins crap useing up everything making bills out of control. Yes Lord Jesus we need money for these bills not a lot just enough to pay our bills $50,000 would be great pay off bills and fix all the broken stuff in our house, it been freezer here and we gave no heat kids get sick can't take them to Dr no insurance Medicaid denied us, food stamps denied us. We are in a bind need a fix. Please Lord help us. Pray for us thank you

Michael Rotimi | Please thank God on my behalf for the just concluded wedding ceremony. Pray that God will bless the marriage with finance and Godly children. Please also pray that God will break every ancestral yoke in my family pattern. Please join to pray that God will raise up men for the newly established church in my area and that God will cause an outbreak of unstoppable revival in all African churches.

Virginia Leese | Please pray i can get a job to help my husband

Connie Aranda | I've lost My sister n dad and I've been going through shortness of breath that goes and comes..i pray it away in Jesus name..i pray for my health to restore no more swelling or discoloration to legs ever again..i believe my father redeemed me from sickness...i plead the blood of Jesus over my legs over my health in Jesus name...i claim my healing now in Jesus name...also the right headache I've been getting from all this stress be gone now in Jesus Name..Amen..Thank you jesus!!

Shanee Martin | This has been the worst last year in my entire life. I lost my spouse, my children, my home, two cars, and my job of six years. I most of all lost myself. I am working on becoming a better woman and closer with the Lord. I am taking steps to get my kids back but they're not following procedure. Please pray for us to get the help we need and come together as a family. Thank you.

Patty Hecker | I pray that my husband get out of prison really soon so we can all be a family again. I also ask that I get full time employment work where Im at or somewhere else. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Chaz hahn | David saberski my freind recives jesus in his heart amd gets out of the cult he is in jesus name amen

Yudaraj p | Please pray for me our India Please pray for me my future  Please pray for me my church ministry Please pray for me our needs

Tamara Baker | I'd like to request a prayer for my father that has been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Help him over come, and help us all to understand all that this disease does to someone. And for strength for my mother that deals with more than one should, because she has the biggest heart and will try to help everyone. To let us all have a wonderful Christmas day as a whole family like the ones we had when I was young. I would also to pray for everyone to see and hear the Lord's word's to live in his ways.I pray that I will get what the Lord knows I need, I trust with my whole heart that if I am to get gifts for my grandbabies, children, and parents, that you will show me the way and what I'm supposed to do. Thank you Lord for your love, strength and knowing what is best for me.

Andrey | Please pray to the true God for us to decide the issue with the re-registration of the land. For more than 6 months, we can not re-arrange the inheritance. Money is no longer on the notaries and on the advocates, one hope for the Creator!

vijay aggarwal | Plz pray for money in abundance for a comfortable life

Jeffrey Sollars | I need to be delivered from addiction to meth and find the right job im recovering now but every time I get to a place where I am doing great i screw up again please Lord deliver me from myself put the right person or persons in my Journey back home to you help me to be faithful to my calling in you and to never again forget who i am in you thank you Jesus

Nelson |  i want to stop drinking alcohol and immorality too so please help me in prayers

Teresa Whitehead | Please pray  my grandson who is in deep depression and suicidal,  also for my health and financial difficulties. Thank you

Charisma King |  I am seeking prayer for strength in accepting my calling and Grace to build God's temple to spread his word. Thank you. AMEN.

Oyelami Busola | Glory be to God for His word. I need your prayer, God should help me to be in Him for the rest of my life. God should make source of
blessing for this generation in all the raminication of life.

nick f | i wish my legs and body would stop being paralyzed


China: Christmas-related activities not permitted

Christmas banned by university’s Communists in China

Winter in Shenyang, where a university has banned students from celebrating Christmas

CHINA: A Chinese university has banned Christmas in order to help young people resist the “corrosion of Western religious culture”, reports The Telegraph.

A notice posted online at Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, north-eastern China, said: “some young people are blindly excited by Western holidays, especially religious holidays like Christmas Eve and Christmas Day”.

The notice, posted by the Communist Youth League, said the students’ union and other student associations would not be permitted to hold Christmas-related activities. The ban was put in place to help students develop their own “cultural confidence”.

Christmas is not a national holiday in officially atheist China, and few people understand its traditional meanings or religious roots.

However, according to a recent report in the South China Morning Post, at about 90 million, there could be more Christians than members of the Chinese Communist Party. And in a speech to the Communist Party Congress in October, President Xi Jinping reiterated the importance of Chinese nationalism, saying the government would “uphold the principle that religions in China must be Chinese in orientation, and provide active guidance to religions so that they can adapt themselves to socialist society”.

So in Wenzhou, a city in the wealthy eastern province of Zhejiang, for instance, all Christmas activities in schools and kindergartens have been banned, the British newspaper said.

Zhejiang is known as the ‘Jerusalem’ of the east for its strong Christian presence. In 2013 Zhejiang’s provincial authorities launched the ‘Three rectifications and one demolition’ campaign targeting an increasing number of churches, some illegally built. Over the following two years officials sanctioned the removal of more than 1,000 church crosses.


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Christian Groups says UN vote proves Israel isn't alone

'65 nations not supporting anti-Jerusalem resolution is a major change,' Sandell says.

ATTENDEES OF THE annual Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Summit in Washington DC.

The UN would have liked to have a united front against Israel and the US on the vote against recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital, but the numbers of the vote proved otherwise, the European Coalition for Israel said.

"A total of 65 nations voted against, abstained or did not show up for the vote, in a clear reprimand against the Turkish sponsored resolution," said ECI founding director Tomas Sandell. "Contrary to the vote in the Security Council on Monday, today’s vote shows that Israel is not isolated in the international community.

"It is these 65 nations which did not support today’s biased resolution that make up the moral minority in the United Nations General Assembly where close to half of the member states fail to meet the most basic criteria for parliamentary democracies," he said.

The United Nations General Assembly vote on the draft resolution on the Status of Jerusalem was approved Thursday by 128 votes, 35 abstentions, 21 no-shows and 9 against. Other than Israel and the US, only Guatemala, Honduras, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and Togo voted against.

Prior to the vote, the pro-Israel Christian group said that every self-respecting Christian nation must face the facts regarding how well-protected holy sites in Israel are.

In the letter, ECI pointed out that “Israel is the best guardian of an open and inclusive Jerusalem which respects the faiths of all its citizens and guarantees free access to their holy sites."

The letter further stated that “it is an indisputable fact that, unlike other guardians of the city from the Romans to the Crusaders to the State of Jordan between 1949 and 1967, freedom of religion has only been preserved under Israeli sovereignty. Jerusalem remains one of the few places in the Middle East where Jews, Christians, and Muslims, are able to pray for freedom, security, and peace."

In the letter, ECI called on all member states to “refrain from adopting any resolution which would interfere with or jeopardize this unique status for a city, which is rightfully called holy by three world religions while calling on the Israelis and Palestinians to unconditionally return to the negotiating table."

ECI Legal Counsel Andrew Tucker said that “the draft resolution tabled by Jordan adopts the position that Israel has no legitimate claim over any part of Jerusalem. It is unreasonable for Jordan now, given its conduct between 1947 and 1967, to be allowed to put back on the table a position that it chose in 1947 to reject by seeking to annihilate the Jewish state."

Meanwhile, the American Jewish Committee also expressed its disapproval over the General Assembly resolution condemning US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

"For those genuinely committed to achieving a negotiated, comprehensive Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement, today's UN General Assembly action is deeply disheartening," said AJC CEO David Harris.

"Once again, UN member states have chosen to succor Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas's misguided strategy of internationalizing the conflict instead of pressing him to negotiate directly with Israel," Harris continued. "Collecting UN resolutions that do not advance peace one iota complicates an already complex conflict that direct negotiations can resolve."

Also, Christians in Defense of Israel has launched a nationwide campaign to support President Donald Trump from international attacks and "bullies within our borders." They called on grassroots citizens to issue a strong “Vote Of Confidence" for the president, hoping to rally at least 25,000 signers and deliver the message to Trump and the State Department in early 2018.


Bintulu Christmas Parade

Theme 'For Unto Us a Saviour is Born'

Natives performing at the Bintulu Christian Christmas Procession  2017

Bintulu Christian Christmas Procession 2017 was organized by St. Thomas Church, Bintulu and saw the gathering of all local Christians in Bintulu, Sarawak. This year theme was 'For Unto Us a Saviour is Born' and scriptural reading was taken from Luke 2:1-14.

The event took place on the 9th December 2017 at Bintulu Paragon Street Mall that witnesses the attendance of both Christians and non-Christians residence of the city. 

Photos and Videos

christians and non-Christians local leaders at Bintulu paragon street

blowing of shofar performed by a local church at the Bintulu Christian Christmas Procession  2017 

combined churches at the Bintulu Christian Christmas Procession  2017

Performance  at Bintulu Christian Christmas Procession  2017

Life church in attendance at the Bintulu Christian Christmas Procession  2017

Performance  at Bintulu Christian Christmas Procession  2017 

performance by different local churches at the 2017 Bintulu Christmas procession

And more photos 

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Thursday 21 December 2017

NIkki Haley Vetoes Jerusalem Resolution

Slams Obama For Not Backing Israel a Year Ago

U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley casts the lone ‘no’ vote to veto a U.N. Security Council resolution attempting to annul President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, in New York on Monday, December 18, 

As U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley on Monday vetoed a U.N. Security Council resolution seeking to overturn President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, she also sharply criticized the Obama administration’s decision a year ago not to back Israel in the same forum, calling the implications of that move “a stain on America’s conscience.”

Monday’s resolution was backed by all other 14 members of the council - the ten temporary members and permanent members Russia, China, Britain and France - but Haley declared that she was casting the sole dissenting vote “proudly.”

“The fact that this veto is being done in defense of American sovereignty and in defense of America’s role in the Middle East peace process is not a source of embarrassment for us,” she told the meeting in New York. “It should be an embarrassment to the remainder of the Security Council.”

Haley challenged the right of other nations to tell the U.S. where it should decide to locate its embassy - and warned that some other Security Council (UNSC) members may have cause to fear similar interference in their domestic decision-making.

“I suspect very few member-states would welcome Security Council pronouncements about their sovereign decisions,” she said. “And I think of some who should fear it.”

(Five of the current members of the UNSC - China, Russia, Egypt, Ethiopia and Kazakhstan are ranked “not free” by the democracy watchdog Freedom House. Two others - Bolivia and Ukraine - are graded “partly free.”)

Haley recalled that Trump made it clear in his Dec. 6 policy announcement that recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital does not prejudge “final status” negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. And she disputed that the move jeopardizes peace efforts.

“What is troublesome to some people is not that the United States has harmed the peace process - we have, in fact, done no such thing. Rather, what is troublesome to some people is that the United States had the courage and honesty to recognize a fundamental reality,” she said.

“Jerusalem has been the political, cultural, and spiritual homeland of the Jewish people for thousands of years. They have had no other capital city,” Haley continued. “But the United States’ recognition of the obvious - that Jerusalem is the capital and seat of the modern Israeli government - is too much for some.”

Haley used the opportunity to distance the Trump administration from its predecessor’s decision not to veto a controversial resolution targeting Israel.

President Obama’s decision to abstain rather than veto resolution 2334 allowed passage of a measure that describes areas disputed between Israelis and Palestinians - including the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City and the location of the holiest site in Judaism - as “occupied Palestinian territory.”

Haley pointed out that resolution 2334 also “gave new life to an ugly creation of the Human Rights Council: the database of companies operating in Jewish communities.”

The HRC “creation” referred to by Haley is widely seen as benefitting the anti-Israel boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign, by identifying companies which will then be targeted by pro-Palestinian activists. Resolution 2334 requires all countries “to distinguish, in their relevant dealings, between the territory of the State of Israel and the territories occupied since 1967.”

“This is an effort to create a blacklist, plain and simple,” Haley said. “It is a stain on America’s conscience that we gave the so-called BDS movement momentum by allowing the passage of Resolution 2334.”

Haley took a final swipe at the Obama administration, putting its abstention last December into historical context.

“For decades, Israel has withstood wave after wave of bias in the U.N. and its agencies,” she said. “The United States has often stood beside Israel. We did not on December 23, 2016.”

“We will not make that mistake again.”

Monday was only the second time the U.S. has vetoed a UNSC resolution in the past decade, having last done so in 2011 - also killing a measure relating to the Israeli-Palestinian issue.

Over that same period Russia has vetoed 17 resolutions (11 relating to its ally the Assad regime, in addition to texts concerning Bosnia, Georgia, Zimbabwe, Burma and Ukraine) and China has vetoed eight (relating to Syria, Burma and Zimbabwe).


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Tuesday 19 December 2017

Understanding the Jerusalem issue

Understanding the Territory of Israel

Another Q&A by Capt Dr Thirunavukkarasu Jr R Karasu

1) What is Zionism?

A) Zionism is the belief in the Jewish people’s right to self-determination and to reestablish their homeland in a geographical territory called Israel.

2) What is this territory of Israel?

A) It is the same area that corresponds to the Biblical Canaan in the region of Palestine.

3) What is "Zion"?

A) Zion is just the name of a hill in the city of Jerusalem.

4) Does the Biblical Israel have a capital?

A) Yes, it is Jerusalem, also known as the City of David (Daud in Islam), in reference to Israel’s second king.

5) What are the objectives of Zionism?

A) There are four. 1) To reestablish Jewish administrative sovereignty within Israel. 2) To restore Jewish culture, the Hebrew language and religion (Judaism), 3) To gather those exiled, and 4) To liberate Jews from anti-Semitic persecution.

6) Does Zionism oppose the Palestinians?

A) In principle No. But they oppose any attempt to subvert their nationhood, whether from Palestine or other countries.

7) Why does Zionism create conflict in the Middle East?

A) It doesn’t. The conflict is created by people who want to destroy Israel, and Israel needs to contain this threat.

8. Is “Zionist” referring to the Israeli military?

A) Nope. Zionism is Not: 1) Military operations, 2) Denying Palestinians’ the right to their own self-determination, or 3) Promoting religious conflict with the Arabs.

9) Why is Zionism such a bad word in Malaysia?

A) Because our government wants Malaysians to continue hating the Jews and Israel.

10) Are you saying Malaysia is an anti-Semitic country?

A) Yes. Of all 10 ASEAN countries, Malaysia is the most disgracefully anti-Semitic country, along with Brunei.

11) What proof you have that Malaysia is anti-Semitic?

A) In 1993, Malaysia banned Schindler’s List, an Oscar-winning movie that portrayed a historical account of the horrific Jewish Holocaust. The excuse was that the movie will “make Malaysians sympathetic to the Jews”.

12) Who said that?

A) None other than the chief anti-Semitic and PM-wannabe today, Mr Kerala kaaka Tun Mahathir.

13) Then why are the political parties also anti-Israel, not just UMNO but even MCA and MIC?

A) UMNO has to because they need to appear to be “defenders of the Arabs” to shore up popular support after their embarrassing corruption exposures. MCA and MIC are just faithful lap dogs pandering to their political masters for political survival.

14) But the Opposition also hates Israel. Why?

A) Because they are the same racists who want to program citizens into hating the Jews and everything associated with it - with the usual excuse that Zionism is against Islam.

15) Are Christians Zionists?

A) By definition, yes because our Bible exhorts us to bless and pray for Israel and the peace of Jerusalem. Jesus Christ Himself was Jew and all Jewish prophets worshipped God in Hebrew.

16) Why is the UN against Israel?

A) The UN itself is a grouping of anti-Semitic countries, which has traditionally sought to destroy Israel through a series of lopsided censures while promoting the Arab Agenda. Thankfully, the US vetoes most of these attempts.

17) Any proof? Or you just saying it because you are pro-Israel?

A) Let’s look at a case example. In 1975, the UN General Assembly passed Resolution 3379 that designated Zionism as a “form of racism”. And then it repealed it in 1991 by Resolution 46/86 which now criminalises opposition to Zionism. Why? Because the UN itself now admits that opposing Zionism effectively means opposing a people’s right to self-determination.

18) If the present Israel never existed before 1948, why is there a need to give them their own country?

A) The political goal of Zionism is based on one key premise (as laid by Theodor Herzl): 1. Antisemitism features in ALL societies where Jews live as minorities. So the only way to guarantee their safety is to segregate themselves into their own country.

19) Why are the Jews always rejected everywhere in the world before Israel?

A) Since the 1st century, most Jews lived outside Israel, even though the Biblical Canaan always maintained a small percentage of Jewish population (called the Remnant in the Bible). The first time Jews got expelled was from Babylon’s occupation of Israel in 586 BC (Babylon is the old name for Iraq). The Romans subsequently expelled the remaining Jews from Judea. And then changed the name Judea to ‘Syria Palaestina’ - which is where the name ‘Palestine’ comes from.

20) So Palestine is a Roman creation after it expelled the Jews and redesignated the borders?

A) Yes

21) Do any of the other Holy Books assign Israel to the Jews?

A) Absolutely. It’s in all the Holy Books in Judaism, Christianity and Islam i.e. the Hebrew Bible, Greek Bible and the Quran respectively.

22) What does the Bible say about Islam?

A) Nothing. There is NO mention of Islam in the Bible nor is there any mandate given to wage war with Muslims. Zionism does not seek war with anyone. Israel is strictly a land issue and the belief that Jews have the right to self-determination after being exiles for millennia.

23) So Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is not something new?

A) Correct! It is, in fact, one of the most overdue decisions since George Washington became the first President of the United States.

24) What is the Balfour Declaration that our politicians love to quote?

A) It is a Declaration by the British government in 1917 that endorsed the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The Jewish side was headed by Chaim Weizmann, who later became the first President of Israel in 1948.

25) Did the Balfour Declaration have any multilateral backing?

A) Yes. In 1922, the predecessor to the UN, the League of Nations adopted the Declaration and gave Britain the mandate to establish a Jewish homeland and develop self-governing institutions, and safeguard the civil and religious rights of all who reside in Palestine, including Christians and Muslims.

26) So who ‘started’ it first?

A) This one is tricky. Arabs will say it was the Israelis who “started it first” and Israelis will say the Arabs “started it first”. So let’s look at the facts. In 1947, the UN recommended that Palestine be partitioned into 3 areas: 1) a Jewish state, 2) an Arab State and 3) a UN-controlled territory or “corpus separatum” around Jerusalem. This was adopted in Nov 1947 as UN General Assembly Resolution 181. But the Palestinian Arabs rejected the UN decision (despite a 65% voting majority) and demanded a Single Arab State in Palestine and expulsion of Every Single Jewish citizen. This was what led to the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. (So You tell me who “started it first”!)

27) How did the 1948 Arab-Israeli War start?

A) On May 14, 1948, David Ben Gurion declared “Merdeka” for Israel. 5 hours later, Seven Arab countries launched a cowardly joint attack (what else to call when seven guys gang up on one?). This led to 1 million Palestinian Arabs leaving Israel for security reasons. After Israel defeated all 7 countries, the Palestinians wanted to return. Unfortunately, Israel passed a series of laws that prevented those who left from coming back. These are the ones who remain refugees to this day.

28) Do all Muslims hate Zionists and the Zionist Agenda?

A) No. Many Muslim scholars publicly defend the Zionist Agenda, among them Dr Tawfik Hamid, the al Gama’a al-Islamiyya organization, Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi, Sheikh Tasbih Sayyed and so on. Also, some Muslim communities like the Kurds (who were gassed by Saddam Hussein) and Berbers also openly express support for the Jewish right to self-determination. Even leading Palestinian Organisation scholars like Asad Shukri (father of PLO founder Ahmad Shukri) opposed the PLO’s anti-Zionist activities. He was also the first to condemn the strategy of using Islam to condemn Jews and their right to live - which was started by Mohd Aminal-Husayni, a close aide of Yasser Arafat.

29) What about Muslims in non-Muslim countries?

A) In August 2007, the President of the Organisation of Imams in India, Sheikh Maulana Jamil organised a delegation to Israel. They subsequently signed a joint declaration rejecting the lie that the Israel-Palestinian conflict is a war between Islam and Christianity/Judaism, admitting that it is no more than a land dispute that can be resolved peacefully.

30) Can a Malaysian support Both Israel and Palestine?

A) Yes of course. Again, it is purely a territorial dispute and need not involve religion. Many of us still believe in the “Two-State Solution” and that Israel can peacefully coexist with Palestine. It is hard but not impossible. Dialogue is the key.

Written by Servant of Christ, Capt Dr Thirunavukkarasu Jr R Karasu
December 2017

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