Tuesday 3 October 2017

Christian Leaders Respond to Deadly Las Vegas Shooting

Deadly Las Vegas Shooting: Christian Leaders Responds

At least 50 people were killed and 200 injured were injured at a shooting that took place at a concert at the Mandalay Bay casino in Las Vegas on October 1. This horrific shooting is the deadliest in U.S. history.

In the wake of this tragedy, Christian leaders have called for prayer, shared their empathy with the victims and their families, and spoken about actions to be taken to prevent such tragedies from occuring again.

Author and speaker Beth Moore tweeted: 

In terrors of hell, let an increasingly disembodied Body of Christ be embodied again: warm skin to hold, serve & weep with the traumatized.

- Beth Moore (@BethMooreLPM) October 2, 2017
Oh Las Vegas. We are sorrowing & praying for you. Psalm 7:9 echoes from my morning reading: "Oh, let the evil of the wicked come to an end."

- Beth Moore (@BethMooreLPM) October 2, 2017

Author Bob Goff tweeted: 

We're sad with you Nevada.
To all families and victims, we're holding you close.

- Bob Goff (@bobgoff) October 2, 2017

Journalist Jonathan Merritt tweeted:

My heart is torn in two at the news of yet another mass shooting. Offering prayers is not enough, but it is a good place to start.

- Jonathan Merritt (@JonathanMerritt) October 2, 2017

Southern Baptist leader Russell Moore tweeted:

The reports from Las Vegas are horrifying. Praying for the victims, the city, and for those who will minister in the aftermath.

- Russell Moore (@drmoore) October 2, 2017

The Rev. Franklin Graham tweeted:

Pray for the families of those killed and for the 100+ wounded in a shooting rampage last night in #LasVegas. #LasVegasShooting

- Franklin Graham (@Franklin_Graham) October 2, 2017

Pastor Craig Groeschel tweeted:

Heartbroken over Vegas. Longing for the day when God wipes away every tear and there is no more death.

- Craig Groeschel (@craiggroeschel) October 2, 2017

Ethics and Religious Liberty Commision leader Daniel Darling tweeted: 

Heartbroken over Vegas. Longing for the day when God wipes away every tear and there is no more death.

- Craig Groeschel (@craiggroeschel) October 2, 2017

Writer and speaker Rachel Held Evans reflected on the impact of this shooting in light of other similar U.S. tragedies:

Struck by how every mass shooting forces us to revisit the trauma of Sandy Hook & the failure of moral will our acceptance of it represents.

- Rachel Held Evans (@rachelheldevans) October 2, 2017

Join us, as well as these Christian leaders, in praying for Las Vegas. 


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