Sunday 25 March 2018

Prayer Requests

Today's Prayer Requests

Loren Miffit | Dear God, On this day may we pray for all who can not have faith in our Lord. May he let us assist them in finding the Lord through whatever means necessary. Amen

Lillian Kennedy | I am currently in the midst of transitioning jobs pray for my stability

Vijay Affarwal | Plz pray for money in abundance for a comfortable life

Wayne Fontenelle | I asked for pray in finding a job for me n my girlfriend.thank u

Joe Sudhakar | Please pray for Syria. Crisis should come to an end. People should be Saved.


AT | rayer for emotional and physical healing for myself & family. Also, requesting prayer for debt cancellation! (Student loans)and for a 

Wila | I'm believing God for a husband,  healing and financial breakthrough

Eme Chikezie Joseph |  I want God to send me a helper,  l want to travel out of my country to US or any European country , for any kind of  job to take care my family. We've suffered a lot.

Pushpa adiley | Pushpa have a brain toumour pleas pray

Wendy | Please, if you can pray that we will find our way to a new place of safety away from the growing violence where we reside now. I am on my own caring for my husband with no family to help. I am tiring, my body is weak as I am recovering from pneumonia and it is becoming increasingly hard to walk mile after mile on my own to buy groceries. I pray for strength and courage to face the daily tribulations of these trials and yet, I know with prayer my Faith is always intact. God bless you and thank you.

Juanita Osborne | Please pray my strength in the Lord.

neela | pray for family, my children are Cameron 26yrs Natalia 25yrs  Nathanael  19yrs Raphael 15yrs  I LOVE AND BELIEVE IN GOD  THINGS ARE NOT  EASY BUT I AM TRUSTING GOD WE NEED PRAYER  GOD BLESS

Brenda | Dear jesus. I'm in need r a place and financial. And a lady call me bout an apts but I didn't have enough money an need help please.of there anything you can help me with an pray for my to an this man im staying with me out by end r the month. I'm asking a little ad distance can you help me please thanks you an May God Bless an keep u all save.Ms. Cade

David choi Musa | Dear in Jesus name.Dear in Jesus name.Receive our fellowship greetings from Kenya. Please help with your prayers for the Churches center to be well built,to get Bibles in ekegusii Bibles. 

Tara Cole | I believe in God. I pray for my sons asthma. I pray for my family. we have came a very long ways. I am taking online classes to be a school teacher.

Kashif Gill | I request for u.iam married for 8years old but no baby.plz prayer for me.

Swetapadma Pradhan | Wish to study medicine.. bit unable to clear entrance exam for medicine. Plz pray for me.. so that I can crack this year. Financial condition of my family is not good enough to afford private education

Sonny | brothers daughter was abused most her life starting with cruelty from her father, broken home. She has gental heart and even her mother is mentally abusive, she allowed her mother to move into her house and her husband has been turned against her. Now her daughter is also following in mother's footsteps but she dramatises, ie: excessive emotional self abuse, cutting and just full of devil. Foul, and no self esteem. Please pray for God to deliver them from this torment, once and for all.. in Jesus' name


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Monday 19 March 2018

Israeli Soldiers Laid to Rest After Weekend Terror Attack

Two Young Soldiers murdered in car-ramming terror attack laid to rest

Master Sgt. Kamil Shnaan, left, and Master Sgt. Haiel Sitawe, right, the police officers killed in the terror attack next to the Temple Mount complex in Jerusalem on July 14, 2017. (Israel Police)

Israel on Saturday tearfully laid to rest Sgt. Netanel Kahalani, 20, and Capt. Ziv Daos, 21, after a Palestinian Arab, rammed them with his vehicle a day earlier.

"I have not yet processed this and I don’t know if I can go on," said Netanel Kahalani's father, Danny, at this son's funeral. "I loved you so much, and I lost you in a second. Twenty years is nothing, but I am thankful for them."

Kahalani's mother, Naomi, added: "Netanel was a gift. I thank God for giving me this child. He had a heart of gold, a pure soul. He was an incredible child."

Daos, who was posthumously promoted to the rank of captain, was scheduled to be buried on Sunday afternoon.

The two were killed on Friday afternoon when 26-year-old Palestinian terrorist Ala Qabha rammed his car into a group of soldiers at a military outpost in the northern "West Bank."

Two other soldiers wounded in the attack are still hospitalized with serious, but not life-threatening injuries.

Family members of Cpt. Ziv Daos mourn near his coffin during his funeral in Holon on March 18, 2018. (Miriam Alster/Flash90)

Qabha initially claimed the incident was a mere car accident, as did his family. But he later recanted and admitted his intention to kill Israeli soldiers.

The terrorist's brother and father have since been arrested on suspicion they were party to his plans, and the family home is slated for demolition.

Israeli soldiers mourn over the fresh grave of Cpt. Ziv Daos during his funeral in Holon Cemetery on March 18, 2018. Ziv Daos was killed on Friday in a terror vehicle-ramming attack near Mevo Dothan, in the West Bank.


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Friday 16 March 2018

Going To Church

Why Should I Go to Church?

Celebrating Together

When you decide to follow Jesus, you are not following a religion, but beginning a personal relationship with God through Christ. However, your faith isn’t just a personal thing that has no implications for connection with other people.

Scripture gives reasons why the Church, worldwide body of Christians-is important in your faith journey and here are some;

Church Was God’s Idea

God wanted to have a people for himself: “Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God” (Revelation 21:3). Jesus, too, spoke of the church. He made it clear that establishing the church was one of his primary missions and that, despite opposition, nothing would stop it: “….on this rock, I will build my church and the gates of hell will not overcome it” (Matthew 16:18).

You’re Already Part of Church

In God’s family, no one is an only child. You are part of a huge multinational, multicultural, multiethnic enterprise. The metaphor often used in Scripture is that of a body. This speaks of how utterly important each member is, including you. Each Christian needs the other parts of the body-those that are totally unlike each other in order to see the full picture of who God is and to serve him effectively in this world. Check out I Corinthians 12 and Romans 12 for more.

You Have Spiritual Gifts to Offer

All believers are given spiritual gifts. These gifts are intended to be used to build other believers up. Again, Romans 12 and I Corinthians 12 have something to say about gifts, but also look at 1 Corinthians 14 and I Peter 4. The church should be a place to discover and develop your spiritual gifts. It can enable you to exercise your spiritual gifts through serving in different areas of mission and ministry in and through the church.

It Teaches You about Community

The Bible is filled with verses like “bear one another's burdening” and “love one another” (read John 13:34, Romans 12:16, Galatians 5:13 and Colossians 3:13 for just a few). And the church is where you can learn to live out all these “one another” verses. You were never intended to do life alone, but rather in the company of brothers and sisters. Your transformation in Christ will start showing up in your relationships with others.

Church Gives You Role Models

As you interact with people across generational lines, you’ll learn what healthy, biblically-rooted relationships look like. You can find models of vitalized marriages. You can receive kindness from an older woman who fills the void your own mom was never able to fill. You can reprogram your concept of “father” (which is important for how to relate to God, your heavenly Father) when you have healthy relationships with men of integrity and purity.

The church is Ultimately about God

Last but not least, the primary reason the church gathers is to give God the praise he deserves. Unfortunately, that’s not always how it goes: In the same way people rate restaurants for service, presentation, and taste, they sometimes come to church with a “consumer mentality.” People wind up appraising the preacher or the band, either positively or negatively. Nonetheless, you and the rest of the church are called to “Ascribe to the LORD the glory due to his name; bring an offering and come before him. Worship the LORD in the splendour of his holiness” (1 Chronicles 16:29).

What about you? If you’ve started going to church, have you seen any of these six reasons become a reality in your life yet?

by Mindy Meier


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Prayer Requests

Today's Prayer Requests

Loren Miffit | Dear God, On this day may we pray for all who can not have faith in our Lord. May he let us assist them in finding the Lord through whatever means necessary. Amen

Lillian Kennedy | I am currently in the midst of transitioning jobs pray for my stability

Vera Bankston-Jones | FATHER GOD, Thank you for the rest and the guidance of Your Love!.......SELAH

Mary Rodriguez | My bf went to jail last thursday i prayed that he was safely in jail now hes on his on his way to florida over a warrant. Clay co. Florida i want to pray his sakvation. I need a home and decent job my bf cheated on me with 4 guys and does meth has gor 20 yrs. I pray we are both ckran i eas before i got qith him tgat o stay off meth and he never wants it afain after he gets out of jail. I pray fir our sqlvation and that if its Gods will we will be together and sobee when he gets out

Larry Calloway | Needing Prayer Help . Needing Prayer for this entire earth , Especially human value system greed , hatred , racism .

Dana Austin | That I can get my life straight for me and my two children, and that I follow His will to be successful in this life, for His glory.

VJ | Plz pray for money in abundance for a comfortable life

LJ  |Please pray for me to regain strength in my legs, and for being healed of Multiple sclerosis that is causing me to be weak but I pray that God with your help and petition on my behalf He will heal me from this disease in Jesus name amen. I ask for strength, and good health in Christ Jesus amen. I believe in my Lord Jesus Christ with all my heart amen. Thank you and God bless you in Jesus name amen

Sadrea | Dear God, Please pray for me to have strength and courage to keep my faith in you. Thank you for giving me another day to live. Please watch over my loved one. And please just speak to me because I want to break down, but I know with you there is a way.

John starling | Prayer for strength physically mentally and emotionally and help to bring my family closer together and closer to the Lord and to help wash any demons that may be trying to push their way into our life away from us to also give us Financial strength and help us gain more wisdom in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit my health is pretty bad I'm disabled and I may need knee surgery in a couple of months please pray that that goes well and that I recover gracefully

SG | My soul is being tormented, Depression is attacking my mind and body, I need prayer for Restoration in my family

Ameer ghissing | Im alone single, strugling for my life,jobless and famililess out of from home since long time. I go to church praying all time but no feeling security please hope this time of pray ll heal me sooon.prease the lord.thank you.

peng pat | Cure for my thyroid illness

Ashley Lyons | Please pray for my husband and I to find strength in our addiction we're trying to over come. Please pray for my mental illness I've recently developed. I am cursed with this nonstop voice of a very mean negative woman who constantly tells me awful things about me and as well as my husband. I really need all my prayer warriors out there keeping us in your daily prayers. Thank you

Edias Mushayanyama |  Ipray to God to give me the means to serve his people and help to reduce poverty, hunger and disease that afflict some of his people. I have faith that with your blessings, everything is possible.

Abdul sudheer | Respected sir 2012 mom died then 2013 father died 2015 i marryd my wife 6 month pregnant baby boy born and dead.My wife's hearts 2valves leakage problem is there nearly 3 lakhs debits my life I am 37 ,now from18yrs I have been getinggg struggle s in life pls pray for a child doctors said next time pregnant danger almighty God do wonders in our life.thank u.


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Wednesday 14 March 2018

Testimony:There is Light After Darkness

The Prodigal Son Returns

“…always being prepared to make a defence to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you…” 1 Pet 3:15

Hii Tau Su with his Uncle; Clement Hii

Shared by Clement Hii on Facebook

Most large families have their misfits. We weren't particularly proud of the "career" of one of my nephews, Hii Tau Su. He was not only a well-known thug in Sibu but was also a heavy substance abuser. "Ah Soo," as he is widely known, had alienated his entire family, and once beat up his own dad. But 2 years ago, he went into rehabilitation for a few months and came out a changed man.

His turning over a new leaf is nothing short of a miracle. He became a born-again Christian and is now a full-time church worker in Miri. He tells his story at sermons, does charity and social work.

He has apologised publicly to his family, friends and foes for his past misdeeds - I told him when we recently met not to let his close ones down again. For people working on new beginnings, they should harness the phenomenal power of the people who've never given up on them.

Your Testimony - God’s Story in You

You have a story and if your story is God’s story in you, then that story is a testimony and can be a powerful witness for Jesus Christ. Sharing your story requires thought but no special training. “You are an expert on what happened to you!” And you can share your testimony anywhere with anyone and give them the “reason for the hope that is in you.”

You can share about Jesus Christ through your story - what God has done for you, what He is doing, and how you have experienced his grace and goodness in your life.

Here’s a question for you: Are you Ready to share your faith story with others and how God’s story has transformed your story?  please use the contact us form or send an email via

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