Sunday, 21 January 2018

Prayer Requests

Today's Prayer Requests

Karuhanga Nelson |  I pray that I should continue to know God and be protected from all sort of evils ,my wife should be helped to get a job and I pray that my school should have increased enrollment and I pray for peace prosperity and increased income in my families I pray for the sick,those in prisons those who lost dear ones and I pray for my country my president I pray for my kids Ethan and Ethan to grow up knowing God

vijay aggarwal | Plz pray for money in abundance for a comfortable life

Ronald Hendrix | Pray for me as we lost a dear family member, pray that God gives me the strength to continue on even though I dont know how, so many problems that I face now Financially and mentally, and the uncertainty of whether I am going to loose my home, or be able to pay the bills,

Marites Rico | Please pray for my whole family my husband. My daughter my don my mother and sister,, please for me carry over my big and many many problems please please... Thank you God and bless us

John Delali Bedzo |  I want the Holy Family of the Trinity , should remember me in their prayers . So that I will be able to go back to school and also evangelist the word of Christ to other who have not heard and receive him as their personal savior. I believe in the Holy Trinity and the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ

VERA BANKSTON-JONES | FATHER GOD, Father thank you for family and friends! Only in you can we stay as one!.......SELAH

OCHUMA JOHNSON | HELLO BRETHREN i have a problem i got saved but i have been bacsliding every day, the evil spirit of fornication and admiring every lady i have not stayed in a relationship for more than 2 months  i am 27 and i really need to settle down and plan for a holly matrimony please help me pray for me over that

Dennis Collins | Prayer for my addiction and to be totally delivered and for the salvation of my son Dennis jr

Serena Williams | Father God I pray for a closer relationship with you.  I surrender my life to you.  I pray you continue to love me,guide me,forgive me,teach me. Order my steps and my words please. I will teach your word in your name. In Jesus name.

patlee |  i pray for healing papillary carcinoma

Hugh | I need to be saved

Abraham | Praise the name is abraham my work gospel workingso praying and my father and mother health problems so prayer for me

UWAWAYAKI WOMEN SOCIETY | Oh Lord .You are the only support of people who need you . Bless our orphans and vulnerable kids in our center and all women and elders .IWe pray in the name of Jesus .Amen

Debra. | Please help Me pray for strength , health , family , stress , and anxiety relief also for my family and I to be Finacial ok . To relieve us of all this worry . For god to stay by our side . Amen

Evang. Israel Ashorobi | Breakthrough in Ministry and increase in knowledge and divine wisdom. More Zeal to walk in divine power to do the work of God,Make wealth and touch lives.More peaceful and blessed marriage. Lastly a prayer of an uncommon Revival for the body of Christ world wide and our nations.


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