Saturday, 13 January 2018

Prayer Requests

Today's Prayer Requests

Steph | Please pray for my family as my daughter's dad is in jail, please pray for his sobriety,as well as the financial issues at our home. Amen

VERA BANKSTON-JONES | FATHER GOD, I see things that I never thought existed in my life. There are some wonderful people in my life after all, everybody's not a knucklehead! Thank you for putting real people in my path!.......SELAH

Phylis Aba Koomson | Please i want you to Remember me in your prayers that go should deliver me from evil thoughts against God and Spirits of doubtness that makes me the doubt God's Word....I pray everyday for God to Remember me, have mercy and save me..

Leo Sourisseau | Prayer For the Second Coming of Jesus - I pray that Jesus Christ returns to Earth soon, to bring the eternal love and peace of the Kingdom of God to all who believe in Him, and for every knee to bow to Him, and for every tongue to confess that Jesus is Lord at His return. Amen.

Sheltravia Hankerson | My mom died 4 years ago, the person I live with treats me unwanted and bad.

Ricky Agdahan | Dear brothers and Sisters in Christ, I am a Mother tongue bible translator in Matigsalug language in the Philippines. Also, I am a current student taking up Bachelor of Elementary Education.  My source of income is from being MTT but this current year we don't have enough source to continue this Ministry(BIBLE TRANSLATION). In line with this, I ask you brothers and sisters in Christ to help us to pray that this ministry will continue. God will lead us to a persons willing to help us financially and prayer.

Deborah Deveroux | After a botched back surgery I am bedridden and in a power chair, although I can stand briefly I am in constant excruciating pain. I pray that God helps me to restore my health and to remove me from the constant pain and medications. The surgery also caused a pulmonary embolism, I beg God to have mercy on me and help me.

vijay aggarwal | Plz pray for money in abundance for a comfortable life
Rev.nipun roy | Pray for we need build 80 church building in india and across the world .God provide all our needs.

Terressa | Pray that all people find their purpose and live for god.Be charitable without judging and give even if you go without.

Dare |  Please, help pray for divine favour and connection to my helper and God should grant me great testimonies concerning my hearth long desire.

Shed | Lord settle me in the land where l live. Change my immigration status and grant my British citizen

Kelvin Fernando | Pray for prison reform worldwide to be more like Norway in treatment of prisoners and for prisoners to be saved.

Maria Garza | I lord I plea my pition.. I don't want to loose my house when I make my income I just hope it covers my bak up payment ..and then keep up with the payments,, and bless my Fiancee whom only u can change him and think Straight to grow up and grow together and be blessed in ur Sight God. Plus bless our Prosperity as Well and Children and grandchildren. And my future inlaws to hv a good Heart for They know what they do. And Lord Jesus I Love You and Bless You For Being So kind and Full of Grace and Love U Mean The World To Me Always,, I would Be Lost without you.. Jesus We Luv u.

krishan | Please pray for all those suffering injustice in silence that these beings may find a way out of such pain, sorrow and hurt for themselves and other beings in similar situations. Amen

Randy Smith |  Please say a prayer for my son this morning. Just for God to look after him. His name is Michael. Thank you brother's and sisters.

lena griffin | pray for me that god will ues me and . I pray that god ope up my my spiritual ear's so I can hear him talk to me.i'm asking god for a triple anointing .i'm asking god to open up my spiritual eye's to see in the spiritual realm and be able to see things before its happens .ask god for wisdom and knowledge and understanding in this words I ask god when I read that god just let scriptures come to me. I just want to be use by god.pray that he give me unlimited favor with peoples .and he give me discernment in other peoples .that he let mr properside to peoples .I'm asking god to help me to get my own restaurant and my bakery and my store up an started and be able to get my own land and own home .I just wanna feed the needed and help peoples .pray that my husband Samuel stop drinking an smoking and get save ,and pray for his family they don't like me .pray that god will give us a long life and pray that my nephew zerbazz will eat and gain weight .that god will heal his !
 stomach and let him eat. and get his appetite back and pray for mr willie linsay. he had a stroke and he went in a combmer.and pray for me my leg it stays swollen every since I had my stroke .and pray that these headaches go away pray that my kidney working fine and also pray for my eyes .that tell me I have diabetes in my eyes an pray rhat I don't have no blood clot in no part of my body .and pray that god will heal me off this boils coming on me .and pray for my husband that he continue be health .and pray that his child support back time be wipe out and pray that all my debts be fully cancelation .I belive god going to do it .just pray for the crayton family and the griffin family and davis family an the greer family and peepbles family and carter family and the weir family

pastor premadhararao palivela | we are distributing the holy bibles freely who took the baptism newly and poor and needyso please provide to me bibles in our local language ''TELUGU BIBLES'' this is my urge and humble request only

PASTOR.V.VARA PRASAD | .i thank you very much for your kind prayers towards my lords ministry here.By the grace of God through your prayers our 2 church activities are going on well.


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