Day 2 (8 Aug 2017, Tuesday)
Ezekiel 37:1-6
The spirit of the Lord brought Ezekiel to a valley filled with dry bones. It was a scene of death with huge piles of bones scattered all over the valley. The place was completely despondent, lifeless, and not even a worm could be spotted! The conversation that took place between God and Ezekiel centred on the issue of “resurrection”. God commanded Ezekiel to prophesy to the bones, so that the bones could be revived and come back to life again.
In God all things are possible! God has the power to create. Not only does He call into existence the things that do not exist, but He even raised the dead from their graves. The Israelites knew this very well, for the Lord had rescued them while they were enslaved by the Egyptians. He raised judges to deliver them from the oppression of the Canaanites.
He caused the Aramean army to be terrified and hence completely defeated. He sent angels to destroy the great Assyrian army. All these incidents indicate that God was in control, and He reigned over nations, kings and even individuals.
Today, God is still in control of the politics, economy, society, people, church and believers in Malaysia. When we feel upset, disappointed and angry over the events that have happened and are presently unfolding, we must not forget to pray to the Lord who is in charge of the nations and who revived the dry bones. Trust in God with a robust faith. Let Him lead us to live out the life of Christ in us.
Pray for the States of Malaysia : Kedah
• Pray for the state government to wisely devise practical and concrete means of addressing the issue of poverty faced by the rural people, especially in places such as Baling and Kubang Pasu, etc.
• The Kensiu, one of the earliest Orang Asli groups in Malaysia, is a small aboriginal tribe residing in Kampung Lubuk Legong, Baling. Pray for them to break free from alcoholism and glue-sniffing, and that they will find a new life and purpose in Christ Jesus.
Sources : Necf Malaysia
Download 2017 NECF Malaysia 40Days Fast & Prayer (Prayer Booklet)
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