Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Peace, a Fruit of Our Hope in God

Day 9 (15 Aug 2017, Tuesday)

Besides joy, another hallmark of us truly trusting in our God is peace. This is very significant especially when we consider that Jerusalem means the City of Peace, and that Jesus is called the Prince of Peace. It is through the shedding blood of Christ Jesus on the Cross, that we then have peace with God!

God’s peace in us is a peace beyond what the world can ever offer to us. It is a peace that surpasses all understanding. Paul wrote about such a peace to the church in Philippi, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”(Philippians 4:6-7).

As we pray for our nation and Church in Malaysia, let us turn over every conceivable anxiety that we might have about our nation and our churches to God in the form of prayers and intercession.

This is the recommended spiritual prescription and practice for all believers in Christ. We may not understand everything, but God does. It is not for us to understand everything, but it is God’s desire to fill us with His peace when we pray and trust in His perfect will to be done.

A praying Church will discover God’s peace to be very real, even in the midst of many perplexing national challenges and calamities. May God’s peace be ours this very day, as we pray! Amen.

Pray for the States of Malaysia : Negeri Sembilan

Pray for emotional healing upon the aging survivors of the Jelulung massacres during the World War II, where more than 1,400 villagers were killed in the atrocities committed by the Japanese troops against the local Chinese in 1942.

Pray for effective rehabilitation programs to be offered to the drug addicts and proper measures to be in place to suppress drug-related crimes which has become a pressing problem for the local communities.

Pray for God’s hand to be upon the thousands of military men and women serving in the several key Malaysian military camps located in Port Dickson, in that they will be guided by the righteousness of God as they serve the nation.

 Necf Malaysia

Download 2017 NECF Malaysia  40Days Fast & Prayer (Prayer Booklet)

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