Sunday, 6 August 2017

Reading Through the Bible in a Year

Reasons to read Through the Bible

1. To know God More

Reading through the Bible will give you a more complete understanding of who God is as revealed in His Word. Selective reading may lead to a narrow and unbalanced understanding of God.

2. It Strengthens Our Faith

Reading through the Word will help us strengthens our faith in Him. Daniel 11: 32b states "but the people who know their God shall stand firm and take action," Thus our faith is developed when we understand the whole counsel of God

3. It Enables Us to Pray Better

Reading through the Word will help us understand the will of God and thus enable s us to pray more effectively. Reading through the Word will also provide content or substance that is Biblical to aid us in prayer, Furthermore, reading through the Word will enable us to pray longer and in deeper manner.

4. It Builds Our Spirit-Man

The Word of God is food for our Spirit-Man. Jesus says,"man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God"(Matt 4:4).Feeding on the Word (spiritual food) before prayer (spiritual exercise) will enable us to be strong spiritually as we face the challenges and storms of life.

5. The Reading Plan

The reading plan we have adopted is based on the chronological order of the Bible. It will allow Scripture to interpret Scripture and help us understand the context in which a particular passage is written. 
An example is the Book of Psalms of which 76 of the 150 Psalms were written by King David in different phases of his life.
Another example is the New Testament epistles which were written by Apostle Paul to the Churches he planted as recorded in the Book of Acts.
For those who want to complete reading of the Bible 3 times in a year, they can do so by doing 3 days reading in one day.

6. How to Keep Motivated

Consider forming a small group (such as WhatsApp Group) to be accountable and to motivate each other. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit (who is the final "author" of the Bible) to open your eyes and minds to understand what you are reading. 

Cred: NECF Malaysia

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