Sunday, 6 August 2017

The Hope of the Hopeless

Hope in God

Revival is always preceded by a desperate condition. In Ezekiel 37:1-14, the Lord displayed for Ezekiel a dreadful vision of a large valley full of thousands of bones.

The bones represented the entire house of Israel, a nation full of very dead, dry and decaying bones, and the remains of those dead were there for a very long time. All marrow and life sap were utterly drained.

It was a scene of utter hopelessness and desolation. When Ezekiel heard the question 'can these bones live? (Vs 3), the prophet's answer was restrained and filled with his awareness of human helplessness.
There seems to be a parallel in our land and the Church. This is the reason why many continue to weep for revival in our land.

As in Ezekiel 37, although everything  looks hopeless from a mere human perspective, revival is possible when God's people act in obedience to His Word. God told Ezekiel to prophesy to the bones and he did (Vs 7), despite its apparent absurdity. Ezekiel's obedience produced immediate results. the bones came together and sinews and flesh covered them to become bodies but the bodies had no breath.

Form without power-we are all too familiar with such a scene.

It is time for the Church of Malaysia to be committed to know the Word and to act in obedience to it. Where are the Ezekiels who dare prophesy? perhaps the Church in this land has a reputation of being alive but dead? Even son, there is hope for when we obey His Word, the Holy Spirit can breathe His breath into the dead body and make it live, like He did for the dead corpses in Ezekiel 37.

A new season is upon us to preach to the ruah ("breath", "wind" or "spirit") to fill these corpses (Vs 9).
Not only can He turn His Church into a love one, He can turn it into an exceedingly great army (Vs 10).

As we spend the next 40 days in prayer and fasting, may we see our despondent spiritual condition and the hopelessness of our nation without divine intervention, and our need for the breath of the Holy Spirit.

May we cry out for God's mercy and implore Him to make us an exceedingly great army. The scattered, beached dry bones can indeed live again as a "vast army". Indeed, it's time for the Holy Spirit to flow once again in our land.

Necf Malaysia Chairman message by Rev. Dr. Eu Hong Seng

Download 2017 NECF Malaysia  40Days Fast & Prayer (Prayer Booklet)

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