Thursday, 24 August 2017

This living hope through Jesus comes by the new birth

Day 18 (24 Aug 2017, Thursday)

1 Peter 1:3b - “According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope…”
“New birth” or “born again” is a popular way the New Testament talks about the experience of salvation.
Long ago, Jesus addressed a proud religious man named Nicodemus who came in the night inquiring about eternal life. Jesus said to him “You must be born again.” It’s not enough to be born physically and so become a member of human race.  You must be born again spiritually, and so become a member of the family of God (John 3).

When scripture says that “God has begotten us again”, this is recognised as “born again” or “rebirth”. There is no hope for eternal life, unless a person is born again by the Spirit of God. You must be regenerated and made into a new person.
If you have prayed to receive Jesus as the Lord and Savior, and you walked out with the same outlook on life, with absolutely no spiritual desire for Him then the question that must be asked is, were you truly saved?

When you are born again, you should have a desire to act differently and to talk differently.  This living hope comes by the new birth.  Jesus gives us a new start, but there is more to come.  He gives us a total new life.  “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away behold, all things have become new” (1 Corinthians 5:17).

Pray for the 8 Mountains of Influence :  Government 

Pray for the revelation of God’s divine order of governance upon our government.  As absolute power corrupts, pray that there will be a true separation of power between the judicial, legislative and executive branches.

Pray for men and women appointed to the Malaysian cabinet to be wise and God-fearing.  Pray that they will safeguard justice and thus create a peaceful and safe environment within the nation.  Pray that they will be used as agents that will expose and remove every form of corruption, injustice and greed.

Pray for the bills and policies tabled in parliament in that the laws/policies will give great consideration to the poor, widowed and less privileged; that there will be no place for greed, self-interest and unmerited bias.

 Necf Malaysia

Download 2017 NECF Malaysia  40Days Fast & Prayer (Prayer Booklet)

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